Published On: Sun, Sep 26th, 2021

Tips to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard

(StatePoint) Do hummingbirds frequently visit your yard? Would you like them to? There are some important things to know in order to protect the safety and promote the health of these beautiful, vibrant visitors.


After their breeding season, hummingbirds embark on a challenging journey south for the winter. This migration demands immense energy and poses various risks along the way. Employing specialized bird control (services), which might include deterrents or hazard removal, can significantly reduce threats and ensure a safer passage for these remarkable birds. By creating a protected sanctuary on your property, you offer crucial support for hummingbirds to rest and refuel during their exhausting journey. If you want to fend off any birds that may destruct your property, there’s no one better to call than companies like that Rapid Bird Proofing Service.


One way you can help hummingbirds thrive is by hiring a residential lawn care expert that will be stocking your garden with small native species of flowers to give wildlife needed nourishment, as well as cover from predators. You may want to supplement this nourishment source with a birdfeeder too, as hummingbirds need to eat often and in large amounts relative to their size. You can make a homemade nectar with just a few ingredients, according to the Audubon Society, or purchase a ready-made version from the store. When making a selection, keep in mind that experts warn that you should stay away from hummingbird food that contains red food coloring or dye, as it could be potentially hazardous to their health. Another important thing to know is that nectar does go bad, so be sure to regularly empty your feeder of unconsumed nectar and clean it completely before refilling it.

Safer Windows

When birds are feeding, they are easily frightened and are apt to take wild, evasive flight. To avoid this from happening, position birdfeeders closer than three feet or farther than 30 feet from windows. Surprisingly, the safest placement is attached to the window itself.

Whether you have birdfeeders or not however, you should also be sure to apply special decals that reflect ultraviolent sunlight in order to make your windows visible to birds of all kinds. This is because millions of birds are killed annually in the United States when colliding with windows. Those from WindowAlert have the appearance of frosted glass, but glow like a stoplight for birds, so you don’t have to compromise your own view out your window. The brand also makes a high-tech liquid called WindowAlert UV Liquid, which should be applied between decals for even greater visibility. To learn more about window decals for birds, visit

“Hummingbirds are not only beautiful, they are important pollinators vital to the ecosystem,” says Spencer Schock, founder of WindowAlert. “With a few simple steps, you can make your yard a safe haven for these wonderful migratory creatures.”

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