Published On: Sun, Oct 16th, 2022

5 Ways to Be More Sustainable This Summer

(StatePoint) You don’t have to be a sustainability expert to incorporate elements of eco-friendly living into your everyday routine. This summer, think about the small changes you can make that can add up to make a bigger difference. For instance, it is recommended to hire a local ac repair technician to schedule a/c service and maintenance, or even upgrade to a more energy-efficient unit to avoid extremely high utility bills.

• Store Sustainably: Single-use plastics are difficult to avoid when protecting fragile household items or delicate holiday décor. Cut down on plastic cushioning and packing foam usage by incorporating Flourish Brand Honeycomb Cushion Wrap to cover and safely store your breakable and fragile items. The interlocking structure is easy to stretch and secures to itself without any tape needed.

• Give Green: It’s often difficult to find the perfect presents for housewarming gatherings, family holidays and hostess gifts. Spread some sustainable love by gifting a plant to that hard-to-buy-for-friend or neighbor, or even give something green as a surprise for someone special.

• Environmentally Friendly Connection: Sending a package to a distant loved one is a delightful way to brighten someone’s day, but unfortunately many mailers feature excess plastic wrapping or aren’t made of earth-friendly materials. Ship sustainably by choosing eco-friendly options like corrugated boxes and Flourish Honeycomb Recyclable Mailers. These mailers feature 100% recyclable material packaging and include a die-cut honeycomb layer to create space and cushioning that helps protect items during shipment, without using unnecessary plastic. Additionally, they can easily be tossed into the recycling bin after use.

• Make Small Changes: Living sustainably can sound intimidating at first. Like any shift in habit though, changing behavior may take a while to stick, but small, consistent adjustments will mean the most over time, especially when it comes to everyday things like reducing your use of single-use plastics, and switching to reusable shopping bags and food containers. Take things one small step at a time. For example, commit to recycling one additional item each day.

• Enjoy the Outside: Being active is always easier on warm, sunny days. Take advantage of summer weather to reduce your personal carbon footprint and get some healthy exercise! During the summer months, electricity bills can skyrocket due to the use of air-conditioners and swimming pools to combat the heat. Looking to make your summer a little more environmentally friendly? Here are some tips. Find ways to do this by walking or biking instead of taking a car to the store. If you need to travel a longer distance, opt for public transport or carpool instead.

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