Published On: Tue, Jan 1st, 2019

Expecting US Mothers Should Be Proactive to Prevent Birth Injuries

Expecting US Mothers Should Be Proactive to Prevent Birth Injuries

No expecting mother wants to hear that hospitals may not be as safe as they should be, but that is the reality many US women are facing since birth injuries seem to be on the rise across the country.

What is Happening With Births Across the US?

Some injuries happen even when proper steps are taken by the physician, but other injuries happen due to negligence. Steinberg Goodman & Kalish says that “some birth injuries occur when the treating physician fails to adequately assess or respond to conditions or complications during a woman’s pregnancy or delivery.”


The firm points out that some of the most common birth injuries include forceps injuries, such as lacerations or bruising to subconjunctival hemorrhage where the baby’s eye blood vessel bursts. These are horrifying injuries to consider, but they are things that soon-to-be parents should know.

What Can Expecting Parents do to Prevent Injuries?

Expecting parents will likely feel a little powerless; after all, the people taking care of the birth know more about pregnancies. Sadly, it seems that many of the birth injuries caused by negligence happen because a medical professional took shortcuts somewhere in the process or misunderstood information. Understanding this reality should help soon-to-be parents deal with the danger a little more effectively.


For example, an expecting parent can learn more about the steps that need to be taken before birth takes place. One issue that seems to plague medical professionals is incorrectly evaluating the size of the baby. Making sure that the size of the baby is checked more than a few times is important because it allows the delivery expert to figure out if vaginal birth is possible. Failing to evaluate the baby’s size could result in all sorts of injuries or dangers, including asphyxiation, and no parent wants to hear that.


Another problem that some physicians seem to overlook is high blood pressure. It is important to address this problem as soon as it is discovered because it could put the baby and the mother at risk. Taking steps to lower blood pressure before labor is vital as well as monitoring pressure during the delivery itself. Another problem that is sometimes overlooked or not addressed properly is maternal infections. These infections could put the infant at risk since his or her immune system is not totally prepared to handle infections.


As expecting parents, it is important to recognize some of these common risks, and make sure that the doctor or medical experts in charge are addressing them properly. It may be uncomfortable, but it is okay to ask what steps they have taken to prevent common injuries. Furthermore, it is okay to find out what kind of emergency training each professional undergoes to make sure that each caregiver is ready to act should complications arise during delivery.


Soon-to-be parents who know they are delivering an at-risk child should make the effort to talk to a physician who has dealt with similar complications and has acted accordingly. Some parents may want a delivery expert who has never dealt with complications, but a medical professional who has dealt with complications may be better equipped to handle certain problems.


These are just some of the steps expecting parents can take in order to prevent an issue during delivery. Still, no matter how many steps are to taken to prevent an issue, an injury can still occur. This is the reason soon-to-be parents should also be in contact with a lawyer, who specializes in these types of cases to have all bases covered.

What can Parents do At Home?

Parents can also take additional steps to try to improve the chances of a successful childbirth. For example, expecting mothers can take prenatal care seriously by doing things like exercises to help the body prepare to give birth. Walking is pretty important because it helps induce labor and may even speed it up.


As most expecting parents know, delivery should not take too long because the chances of injury increase the longer the labor is. Prenatal vitamins help ensure that the body creates an environment that is safe for the baby. Hopefully, things get better for mothers in the United States, but a proactive parent can definitely go a long way.

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