Published On: Tue, Mar 25th, 2014

Unveiling Your True Identity!

Dr.SynesioBy Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

People most often develop relationship with another on the basis of what each knows and comes to like about the other. This is true in neighborhoods, at the work place, in social clubs, in religious institutions, among fellow students, and in many additional settings where people operate.

Many of these will never surpass a mere wave of the hand each time they pass one another, maybe an actual handshake, besides an occasional brief exchange of words of limited significance. Such can easily happen even among people who had never met before, but which came to find sufficient reason to share some words based on a common experience at a particular moment.

There are others who go a bit deeper, and may even engage in conversation each time they pass each other. Perhaps a world or national event of some significance may cause comments to be made and even a dialogue to unfold.

Yet, at these two levels just described, chances are that nothing extra will occur unless there is a deliberate effort, and a corresponding response which enables ties to be established between two or more individuals. That may depend on how much of one’s personal identity is honestly, gradually and mutually disclosed, when some form of trust is established among the parties.

A person’s looks, speech and many other factors can be partially helpful, just as they can also be totally deceptive. That’s why I often recommend to individuals and audiences I address: Be sure your identity is manifested far more by who you are, rather than merely by things you possess!

It’s quite sad, albeit true, that far too many people today prefer to operate more on the basis of appearance than reality. Many talk quite well and too much, yet never adding the ingredients that truthfully point to who they actually are as a person!

Nevertheless, you can develop a set of easy questions which can be posed to an individual you become interested in knowing better and developing mutual trust. Then, together, you can impact other lives with the values of integrity and solid attitudes you can model through all you do! In all you are and do, just be real and make that as contagious as you can!


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