Published On: Fri, Dec 28th, 2012

It’s Time for Cheers, Not Tears!

By: Dr. Synesio Lyra Jr. 

Throughout most of the world, this is a time when Jews and Christians, especially, celebrate unique festivals from their religious calendars. For both of these important segments of society, those events recall significant historical facts in each tradition. For both, it’s a time of joy and merry-making! It’s also a moment of major gratitude!

Among many Jews and Christians, as well as others who do not get involved in those festivities, it can also be a depressing time. Perhaps the absence of significant others who have already departed from earth, or any other factor which brings them sad recollections, this season turns out to be devoid of joy.

Nevertheless, whether or not you participate in Hannukah or Christmas, or any other celebration at this time of the year, you can still find reasons to rejoice and be glad. It’s true that the conditions of our world are not too exciting, the economic woes in our nation bring extra uncertainties to its inhabitants. Moreover, other issues of a personal nature, can also impact your mood adversely at this time!

My recommendation to you at this season or at any other time, in the circumstances of this moment, or in the face of any other adversity, is that you find reasons to be optimistic. As many have taught for several years, it’s in the problems themselves that one can find the seeds of their own resolution.

Thus, instead of bemoaning your fate, in the place of complaining for what is not, that could be or should not be, accept things for what they are and plan to put yourself above situations you cannot fully control. Make this a time for cheers, not tears!

Instead of isolating yourself from others, seek neighbors, friends, acquaintances as well as relatives and do something with them, or for them, expecting nothing in return. The joy of doing good at any time, to anyone, is in itself a rewarding experience. What will come back to you, unexpectedly, will enrich your life and grant you unique joys you might not have anticipated.

Seek to enjoy the sights, the smells and the sounds of this season; allow them to impact you positively instead of negatively. Do not be jealous of the excitement others may be manifesting; find your own way to be glad as well, and you shall find unexpected joys!

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