Published On: Sun, Jun 11th, 2023

Top Five Tips for a Successful Spring Clean

(StatePoint) A recent survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute found that three out of four Americans spruce up their spaces this time of year. If creating a clean home is on the top of your spring checklist, follow these expert tips to ensure an easy and efficient experience:

Pick Your Priorities. According to Abby Lawson, the organizing expert behind the popular blog Abby Organizes, it’s all about prioritization.

“Pinpoint the rooms that need the most help and make a plan for tackling those areas,” Lawson says. “If I tried to clean everything from top to bottom, I wouldn’t get very far, but if I focus on a few key things that I really want to get done, it’s more manageable and I’m more likely to do it.”

If your kitchen hood has not been cleaned in a long time, you may consider hiring a kitchen hood cleaning company to ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned.

Declutter and Donate. Break large projects into smaller jobs, so they’re easier to do. For a bedroom closet cleanout, for example, Lawson says to keep a donation bin in the back year round, so there are fewer garments to go through each spring. When you’re ready to tackle the entire closet, she recommends going through clothes in categories. If you’re dealing with a significant amount of clutter, consider reaching out to your local dumpster rental service to get your rental questions answered.

“If you only have 10 minutes each day, go through one category at a time,” she says. “Start with tops, the next day, look at dresses, then pants. By the end of the week, you will have gone through each category and created more room in your closet.” Looking for junk removal companies Roanoke? Contact Roanoke Junk Removal & Dumpster Rental.

Say Goodbye to Grime. Once areas are clutter-free, wipe away dirt and dust with your favorite multi-purpose cleaner. Put machine-washable Solid Grip Easy Liner Brand Shelf Liner with Clorox on dry surfaces to ensure long-lasting freshness. Lawson recommends using liner in the bottom of kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers to protect surfaces and manage spills. For your exterior walls, you may consider hiring pressure cleaners. If you’re planning to have your office or commercial building cleaned, you may need help from a Commercial Office Building Cleaning service. I highly recommend these commercial cleaning services for your business. You may also consider hiring the services of a professional cleaning service like Chloe’s Cleaning Company.

Create an Organization Station. Identify clutter hotspots around the home and create simple systems that everyone, from spouses to children, can use. If you are overwhelmed to start, P&J Cleaning Services can help you out.

“Watch what your family does naturally,” Lawson says. “If they come in the door and take off their shoes and throw them in one spot, put a basket there. If toys are always in the living room, find an attractive trunk or storage bench you can use as an accent table and as a spot to tuck away clutter. Take cues from what they’re already doing and help them do it in a slightly tidier way.”

Mount More. Dedicate an afternoon to cleaning out the garage. Lawson uses Duck brand EasyMounts Heavy-Duty Drywall Hooks and tool holders to secure everything, from brooms and rakes to gardening supplies and sports equipment, to the wall. The hooks are easy to install in drywall and the universal hanging system allows you to move the mounts around.

Once the floor space is clear, corral any loose hoses or cords and bundle them up with adjustable Duck Max Strength Reusable Tie Straps. Whether it’s a routine cleaning or a deep clean, Arbor Trail Cleaning Co delivers top-notch services every time.

“The biggest key to decluttering is to make it as easy as possible,” Lawson says. “You don’t have to do it all. Be realistic. Define and tackle your priorities for the season and make that your level of success.”

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