Published On: Thu, Mar 31st, 2022


Want to be famous?  Get standing ovations wherever you go?  Have everyone wishing you’d come to their home for dinner, be at their next party, come to their wedding?

To become a legend overnight, not in your mind, but in your time, all you need is to be on the receiving end of a Smith Slap.

Then you’re done.  No need to work anymore.  The jackpot just hit . . . you!

If you’re a comedian like Chris Rock, before you even tell one joke, you’ll receive not one, but several standing ovations.

Yes, these are the times, this is the society in which we’re living. 

Fame comes like a swift kick in the a__, or better yet a slap in your now immortal face. 

How marvelous!  You’ll be processing it for years as crowds applaud you and the press follow you in hopes you’ll let them slip in a question about the slap heard round the world.

There’s only one condition.  You must understand and see this as satire!

You must know down deep that violence in any form is unacceptable. 

Anyone brazen enough to Invade a stage, a store or a sovereign nation like Putin should be universally booed, berated and booted out!   

Violence in any form should never be condoned and in fact, if the Academy of Awards has any sense, they’ll slap the slapper not on his wrist, but on his wallet with a mega fine. 

An inveterate blogger, Tom Madden is an author of countless published articles and five books, including his latest, WORDSHINE MAN, available in April on Amazon.   He is the founder and CEO of TransMedia Group, an award-winning public relations firm serving clients worldwide since 1981 and has conducted remarkably successful media campaigns and crisis management for America’s largest companies and organizations.

About the Author

- Sharing timely, newsworthy weekly blogs by the one and only Thomas J. Madden at and other newsworthy topics from his mighty PR firm TransMedia Group.

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