Published On: Mon, Jul 29th, 2019

Special Labor Day Event: Tongues a ‘Wagging – What It Took To Make Your Dreams Come True

A Special

Tongues A ’wagging – A Community Storytelling Event

 Working 9 To 5 – What It Took To Make Your Dreams Come True

August 31, 2019 @ 7:00 Pm

                           September 1, 2019 @ 4:00 Pm

Boca Raton, FL – Donna Carbone, the Managing Director of the Burt Reynolds Institute, announced that she is looking for story tellers for a unique Tongues a Wagging – Community Storytelling Event. Labor Day, a national holiday celebrated in the United States, will be celebrated on September 2nd.  To commemorate the resilience, contributions and dedication of American workers, we will host a special Tongues a Wagging event on Saturday, August 31st at 7:00 pm and Sunday, September 1st at 4:00 pm.

Tongues a Wagging is held every eight weeks. This is a unique opportunity for residents of Palm Beach County to tell their personal stories to an eager audience. The topic for the September event is “Working 9 to 5 – What it took to make your dreams come true.” Carbone, who hosts these events, said that she is looking for stories that focus a spotlight on people who had both the dream and the drive to make their goals a reality. “There are so many unsung heroes in our community. People who worked hard no matter the sacrifice because they believed in something bigger than themselves. I would like to give them the recognition they deserve. Working hard isn’t just about digging a ditch. It isn’t only about going to work in an office every day. There are many single parents working two jobs and many stay-at-home moms who gave up dreams to guarantee their families had a better life. Hard work is not only defined by physical labor,” Carbone said.

To be a part of this event, which will undergo a juried selection process, potential participants must submit a 1200 word essay. The essays must be true and they must be personal. Storytellers must write about themselves – not about someone else. The stories must reveal how the storyteller achieved his or her goals. Was the result worth the sacrifice?

All stories will be edited for time and content. They will be rehearsed prior to the show so that even the most novice public speaker can have their moment in the spotlight without their knees knocking. There is no charge to submit a story.

For complete rules and regulations, send an email marked SUBMISSION: TONGUES A WAGGING to: A DO and DON’T list will be sent which will explain exactly what a story must include. The deadline for submissions is August 17th. Only the writers of the stories selected will be notified.

Working 9 to 5 – What It Took To Make Your Dreams Come True will be held on Saturday eveningAugust 31, 2019, at 7 pm, and Sunday afternoon, September 1st at 4 pm at the Burt Reynolds Institute, which is located in North Palm Beach.

Tickets and directions to the Institute, are available by calling Donna Carbone at 561 732-9955 or writing

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