Published On: Wed, Mar 20th, 2019

Protecting Our Seniors From Abuse by Caregivers

By: Robert S Weinroth

The Board of County Commissioners recently approved changes to the county’s Home Caregiver Ordinance.

Three years ago, the county partnered with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office to pass this ordinance. Since then, over 11,000 applications have been processed to date.

The Commissioners unanimously approved changes to the original ordinance to helps keep our most vulnerable residents safe (especially the elderly, sick and disabled).

Aside from requiring caregivers obtain an HHA Certification and other training courses, the ordinance requires caregivers undergo a level 2 criminal background check.

Once processed, and if no disqualifying offenses are identified, applicants are issued a photo ID and added to an online verification system available to the public on the Division of Consumer Affairs website.

Anyone engaging the services of a home caregiver is urged to verify credentials both in person and online. If you’re elderly loved one is a victim of abuse, contact an elder law attorney immediately. An elder abuse attorney can make sure that your elderly loved one’s rights will be protected by holding those who have caused harm responsible for their actions.

If you’re putting them into senior care such as assisted living in Savannah, GA, make sure it’s reliable and safe.

Residents can verify a caregiver has a valid ID badge by visiting

Palm Beach County is currently the only county in Florida with this type of protective ordinance.

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