Published On: Tue, Dec 4th, 2012

Avoid Any Point of Contention!

By: Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

There are many battles which are unavoidable, whether between nations, or with individuals which are incapable of coming to an agreement on the issues they disagree. At the same time, it is insane for anyone to go after points of contention which can be avoided, unless one earnestly desires a fight, no matter what!

Regrettably, there are some such people everywhere. It appears that some individuals cannot be satisfied in life unless they are stirring something negative all the time, so as to prove a point, or to engage in controversy.

Unfortunately, such attitudes prevail even within households where a family member cannot function unless he or she is engaged in hurting a supposed “loved one.” Quite often the first word uttered by such types is a provocation, or an insult, or perhaps a persistent complaint which goes on for years! There are unintentional failures on the part of one which should be forgiven by another, as there also exist retaliatory measures which shall only perpetuate a war climate!

Humans are, by nature, social creatures, and interactions among people are not the easiest earthly transactions by any means. That’s why it is necessary that people measure their words and thoughts, thinking in advance what their effect can be – whether positive or negative.

If negative, it should be avoided at the outset. There are manifold positive solutions for the most negative problems one faces. The antidote to situations which displease us is not name-calling, abusive language, old or new insults, or any other variety of verbal insults!

It’s a well-known principle that what a person sows, that shall he or she also reap. And whatever is sown is always harvested in far greater quantity than the number of seeds scattered! Anyone   preferring to live with a “victim” mentality should not engage in destructive deeds so as to maintain one’s self in that miserable estate, while spreading unpleasantness!

It’s only when bitterness is removed that a genuine conversation can occur; hurting messages stored from the past need to be deleted before new dialogues can be established and a positive path be followed towards a reasonable and pleasant reconciliation! Never a “getting mad,” nor a “getting even” mentality shall accomplish what a suspension of bad feelings will do in reasonably addressing what needs to be mended. Keeping resentments only aggravates the agony! You’d better think, and choose the best alternative!

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