Published On: Wed, Jan 18th, 2023

Delta 10 Gummies vs. Delta 8 Gummies – A Deep Dive

Delta 10 is a sativa-like compound that offers users an energizing, amped-up experience that revs your creative juices. It’s not made for bedtime. And with all-new cannabinoids comes a slew of questions, which we hope to answer over time. But today, we’re going to focus on one of the most significant. Because looking at delta 10 gummies vs. Delta 8 gummies, it’s led to confusion among users. Let’s do a deep dive! How do Delta 10 gummies compare to their hemp-derived psychoactive counterparts?

Since the early 2010s, all of us have enjoyed the hemp plant, first through the magnificence that is cannabidiol, or CBD. Then, just last year, hemp graced us again when Delta 8 THC arrived on the scene (thank you, Farm Bill!). Let’s just say that Delta 8 gummies were a revelation. For the first time in modern history, we had access to a hemp-derived product that offered us something unique. The market gave us gummies we could all enjoy with a euphoric buzz — and we could do so legally.

But how do Delta 10 gummies compare to Delta 8? Let’s dive in and find out!

What Is Delta 10 and Why Should I Try It?

Believe it or not, Delta 10 was a very happy accident. The compound is an isomer of Delta 9 THC, but it was only discovered in the past few years. When we say it is a new and novel cannabinoid, we’re emphasizing the new heavily.

So how did this happen? Well, a cannabis company out in California was experimenting with different concentrates when one day, their stash, as it were, was caught up in a forest fire. The fire retardants used to put out the fire ended up contaminating the hemp. But instead of tossing everything, scientists at the company realized strange new crystals were forming on their product. At first, they thought it was CBC, but soon after some testing, they realized they had discovered Delta 10. 

So How Do Delta 10 Gummies Compare to Delta 8 Gummies?

Both cannabinoids are all-natural, hemp-derived compounds that make for delicious infused snacks when they’re made into gummies. But first things first, in many ways, Delta 8 gummies and Delta 10 gummies are pretty similar. Much like CBD and any other cannabinoid with which you might be familiar, both interact with the endocannabinoid system or ECS. You’ll recall that the ECS is your body’s system that helps maintain balance or homeostasis.

And both cannabinoids do bind to your CB1 and CB2 receptors, though less so to the latter. At this point, researchers are still unsure how they attach to the CB2 receptors. However, they continue to search for answers.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-10: Benefits and Side Effects

Of course, the buzz is the first thing everyone wants to know about. What’s the psychotropic high like from Delta 10 gummies, and how does it compare to Delta 8? Delta 8 is roughly half as potent as cannabis. Meanwhile, studies show that D10 is anywhere from 25-to-35% as potent as traditional THC. However, while most users enjoy delta 8 gummies for the mild euphoric high they offer, almost no one takes delta 10 for a buzz.

Now that we’ve got the buzz out of the way, let’s discuss the other wonderful reasons people might want to partake in these great cannabinoids. Because, believe it or not, it’s not always about the buzz —not that there’s anything wrong with enjoying some euphoria. However, we should note that both Delta 10 gummies and D8 are relatively new cannabinoids, which means that research on both is in its early stages. While we know that each compound is safe — no one has ever been harmed by hemp — we’re still learning the details on these two.

That being said, delta 10 gummies have the following benefits:

  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Creative thoughts
  • Very subtle euphoria

While delta 8 gummies may offer or help with the following:

  • Mild euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety relief
  • Mild pain relief

Are Delta 10 Gummies Legal? What About Delta 8 Gummies?

Ah, the legality question. It’s always a staple of our how-to guides on cannabinoids. After all, nobody wants to run afoul of the law. That’s something we can all agree on. But what is the truth of the matter? Are Delta 10 gummies legal? Delta 8 gummies? 

These days, Delta 8 and Delta 10 gummies are all produced from hemp or hemp by-products, making them altogether legal, at least at the federal level. That’s because, in 2018, Congress passed what’s known as the Farm Bill, which legalized hemp and all of its derivatives. Still, individual states have banned these products, so be careful!

Delta 10 Gummies vs. Delta 8: Final Thoughts

While delta 10 gummies are among the most popular products (as are delta 8 gummies), many retailers, such as CBD Mall, have many different products available. The sky is the limit when it comes to both Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC products. Like CBD, there’s so much available, from gummies to vapes to oils to capsules. There is something for everyone and something you can share with your friends and family. So try some delta 10 gummies today and get the energy you need to go further.

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