How Getting Fit Can Help You Be More Productive in the Workforce

Chamber Member Update

Tired at work is a feeling everyone gets. We spend most of the day sitting in front of a screen, sending emails, standing up and driving to important meetings. Very few times do we stop and think how inactive we are becoming. At the end of the long 9-5 routine we find we are left without energy to even begin to think about going to a gym or even eating healthy. However, many people don’t realize that the key to combat the drowsiness that we feel throughout or at the end of the day is due to our body’s lack of exercise and good food.

            When we visit a local 24 hour gym to exercise regularly, our body starts secreting happy hormones, as I like to call them. These hormones travel to our brain and allow us to feel more energized and happier in general. The way we eat also affects the way our body feels and reacts to different outside forces. When we gift our body with refreshing and enough food it acts as a supplement. The word “enough” is also very important. Many believe that in order to be fit what we need to do is stop eating. However, that is not the correct way to achieve your fitness goals and become productive and proactive. That would actually detriment your process and make you feel weak and truthfully more exhausted. Food and good habits are important to keep the body awake when it needs to be and rested when its supposed to.

            Our body is a temple and when we treat it as such it blesses us with an adequate response. We give it patience and care and it will reward us by our work days being more energetic and less lethargic. We give it good food and a daily habitual exercise and it will reward us by being strong to want to spent the day at work and have time to accomplish the plans that make us happy. With this in mind your brain won’t shut down at 5pm when you clock out, but instead it will allow you to have extra hours of energy to fulfill other chores and hobbies you might want to accomplish.     786-226-7643

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