Published On: Wed, Sep 30th, 2020

How Do You Get Inflammation

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a part of the human body that allows our bodies to fight against the various diseases that harm it. When a foreign element enters our body, our body stimulates a natural response to remove it. These may be in the form of white blood cells or any other protective tissues.

Normally, you feel inflammation after an injury or infection. It is that stinging and/or soreness that tells you that your body is in action is overworked or infected. Having this feeling once or twice, especially after an accident can seem normal. But what if it keeps occurring multiple times a week or for months? You need to know what’s happening in your body and what is causing it (especially if you have not worked out or done anything that would typically result in inflammation happening).


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Types of Inflammation

There are two significant types of inflammations that differ in respects of symptoms, causes, and effects:

  • Acute Inflammation
  • Chronic Inflammation

Acute inflammation is generally healthy for your body, as it heals your wounds and keeps your body safe from foreign virus invasions and infections. The symptoms are only temporary and fade away as soon as the inflammation goes away. An example of such inflammation is when you sprain your wrist or twist one of your ankles. Aspirin and Ibuprofen are the best anti-inflammatory medicines in this situation.  

Chronic inflammation is a long-term form of inflammation that either develops due to old age and weak immune bodies. It is a chronic illness that can harm your health if left unattended. One such example is the constant back pain or joint stings, particularly in older people or in people with existing illnesses that cause inflammation more often (i.e., lupus, psoriasis, etc.). 

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

As compared to acute inflammation, chronic inflammation does not only consist of redness, sore muscles or joints, and swelling. It also has a wide range of symptoms as well. These symptoms, when repeatedly increasing for several months, can seriously negatively affect your health. So, if you’re constantly having symptoms of inflammation, chances are; there is something more significant wrong.

These symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Soreness
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pain
  • Back pain

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms in recurring modes, you consult a doctor or medical professional so they can recommend the best anti-inflammatory medicine for you.

How Do You Get Chronic Inflammation?

There are several causes that can lead to chronic inflammation. The most notable of these include:

  • Pathogen exposure; such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Recurrent stress and sleep disorders.
  • Unnecessary exposure to irritant chemicals or pollutants.
  • Infectious elements that have entered into your body through a cut or a scrape.
  • Not taking acute inflammation seriously.
  • An unhealthy diet; composed of excess sugars and saturated fats.
  • Allergy triggers.
  • Old age and a weak immune system.

During these developments, our bodies undergo a weak phase. The defense mechanism of the body is unable to breakdown the pathogens and foreign bodies entering the body. In this way, it exposes us to certain high-risk diseases such as asthma, arthritis, and hepatitis.

After understanding the nature of inflammation, it is safe to say that it is best prevented in the early stages. So, if you’re having constant symptoms of inflammation week after week, you should start thinking about trying an anti-inflammatory diet comprising fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fatty fishes. Aside from the diet, you should also walk or exercise. A healthy workout routine can keep your body healthy so you can produce the necessary pathogens to fight diseases. Prevention is always the best cure.

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