Published On: Thu, Jul 30th, 2020

Can you Remove Hair With a Laser

There are many ways that you can remove unwanted bodily and facial hair. One of those ways is by laser hair removal. Laser hair removal often comes at a high upfront cost but the long-lasting results are usually well worth it.  If you are interested about this treatment, the team at Advanced Aesthetics can answer all your queries.

Type of laser hair removal services 

There are two main types of laser hair removal services. The first is a professional service and the second is an at-home service. Both services emit a wavelength of light that targets the bulb of the hair. And, in both types, you may require more than one treatment before you see full results. Here are some more details on the two. 

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Professional service 

With a professional service, your hair removal procedure is done by a trained technician or medical professional. They have set procedures in place and will advise you appropriately before and after your treatment. 

With this procedure, you can expect some pain and discomfort with it being felt more in some areas than in others.  

At home service 

An at home service, usually means that you get some handheld device that allows you to remove hair with laser treatments. At home devices may yield roughly the same results as a professional service but there is no certainty to this as yet. 

With an at-home procedure, you can also expect some amount of pain and discomfort. However, it may be less discomfort than you may get with a professional service.

 If you do choose this option then be sure to follow the directions as stated in your device’s instruction manual. 

So, now that you know that you can remove hair with a laser, let’s talk about your results. 

Will a laser remove hair permanently?

In order to see permanent results, you may need to undergo several treatments. In most cases, laser hair removal can permanently reduce the density of hair and even remove unwanted hair permanently in some areas. 

Ongoing laser treatment may need to take place if you rather to not completely remove hair. It will allow hairs to become thinner over time and new growth will barely be visible. 

It is important to note that results may not be seen immediately. It may take a few treatments for you to see results. 

Why people choose laser hair removal over other methods. 

Many people choose laser hair removal like this laser hair removal in Leawood, KS and laser hair removal in Vaughan, ON over other methods for a number of reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons. 

  • Laser hair removal helps to prevent ingrown hairs. We all know that ingrown hairs are painful and annoying and many times they can be caused by some hair removal methods such as improper shaving. With laser hair removal, the bulb of your hair is targeted and so that works to prevent and treat ingrown hairs. 
  • With laser hair removal, you need fewer treatments. While shaving with razors and creams are the most common methods, they require you to do more treatments, often on a weekly basis. Although initially, you may do a few rounds of laser treatments, after that you will have longer-lasting results. 
  • With hairs completely off his skin, the skin has a real chance to glow and some people prefer laser hair removal for this reason. 

So, yes you can remove hair with a laser, and with this, you have the option of doing an at home treatment or professional treatment. While both treatments could yield the same results, they will come at a different cost and with different levels of pain and discomfort. 

There are many reasons why someone may choose to remove hair with laser treatments and three of those reasons are to help prevent ingrown hairs, because they want fewer treatments and because it helps to allow their skin to glow. 

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