Published On: Mon, Nov 25th, 2019

5 Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stressors

Kenya Madison

Be Understood

Boca Raton, FL – Kenya Madison, BeWell PBC stewardship council member and senior director of Healthier Delray Beach, shares how to manage the holidays with intention.

As someone who has struggled with anxiety, I have learned that many of life’s stressors are those we put on ourselves. I have been blessed to meet people who introduced to me to meditation, the ability to quiet the mind and really listen to my thoughts and understand how they influence my behavior and my life.

The holidays are an especially important time to be understood, be intentional, set boundaries and take care of ourselves. Here are five lessons that I have learned to help you—and those around you—have a happier, healthier holiday season.

  1. Know what YOU want.  Set your intention for how you want to experience the holidays. When thinking about holiday festivities, what do you enjoy doing? Consider these things as you make plans with family and friends.
  2. Communicate.  Help your loved ones understand your intentions and your limitations and take time to understand theirs.
  3. Respect differences. Be understanding of those who celebrate differently—or maybe not at all—without making them feel ostracized.
  4. Set boundaries.  Stay in control of eating, sleeping and spending. Be mindful of what you want to do or what you want to give that is meaningful rather than overindulging.
  5. Say no with grace.  The busy holiday season should not come at the expense of your joy. List the reasons you would consider declining an invitation. Then, intentionally decline certain invitations with a kind note or call.

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