Published On: Fri, Oct 26th, 2012

Can You Motivate Others?

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

When you’re faced with a multitude of tasks to fulfill, you need not attempt it all by yourself; many others can help you achieve your plan through the help they can provide. Yet, you need to ask for their aid before they can respond to your need!

Many people don’t secure what they are after because they are too proud to ask for any favor; others hit the same brick wall because they ask, but in the wrong way. Instead of making a positive request they simply raise demands and, like a broken record, repeat that message in more unpleasant sounds.

Furthermore, those orders are presented in negative tones and devoid of any motivation. Smart people usually know that they won’t ever motivate anybody to do anything if they approach an individual by casting demeaning adjectives on that person. Insults hurled never raise the status of the one saying them. That is totally contrary of what motivation truly is!

One who is called lazy, untrustworthy, stupid, or hears any other possible insults applied toward him or her, will swiftly shut the ears of the offended heart and totally ignore what’s being said; the multiplicity of attacks on their character will simply secure no prompt, active response now or later, unless the issue is approached altogether differently. Only motivation can secure positive replies exemplified in concrete actions!

It’s a well known saying that you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. The same applies to human relations: positive tones and kind requests secure what is being sought while harsh words and discouraging babble, coupled with unnecessary insults, bring no results.

Any individuals who put themselves in charge of any project, and go after needed helpers, should be reasonable in their expectations. And this reasonableness fully depends on how they approach other people; prior familiarity with someone does not permit a negative posture in approaching that other regarding the task or tasks to be accomplished.

Only true motivation remains the solid, magic key that opens the doors of action to those we approach! No matter how many times a request has to be made, it is only through kindness and other consistent, positive approaches that one shall ultimately succeed in gaining the allegiance and securing the contribution sought of another!

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