Published On: Wed, Jan 11th, 2012

Divorce Florida Style – and Politics, Too

Dear Mr. Gora,

You have probably heard and read enough about the coming 2012
Presidential election. I would like to add one more thought. The one
most important issue is that this country is in serious debt and unless
we change directions we are all going to pay a heavy price.

Personally, while interested in all the issues, the most vital is
management of our budget and our economy. I would be willing to
support whoever I feel can best deal with that soaring deficit (even if
it were a Democrat—and I have voted both ways in the past). What
we need is someone who understands how to grow business and best
make the USA competitive in international trade. I think this can best
be accomplished by someone who has experienced turning failing
businesses into successes and has the leadership qualities to put
together a team of people to accomplish goals.

We also need someone who can help find some legislative compromise
which is essential to achieve results. Far left and far right leadership will
not get the job done. We need someone who can win in November and
stop the gridlock.

Mitt Romney has demonstrated success in business with Bain Capital
and turned around a Winter Olympics program that was on the verge
of bankruptcy to make it the most successful ever Winter Olympics.
He has worked with international issues and, as a conservative,
successfully governed a very liberal state (Massachusetts).

He surrounds himself with exceptionally talented people and sets a
great example for America as a family man. Gingrich has difficulty
managing people. Santorum is too extreme on social issues.

I am firmly convinced our children and grandchildren will have a better
world to live in if Mitt Romney replaces Barack Obama in the White

As so many polls have shown, he has the best chance, among the
Republicans competing, to win. Barack Obama is smart and is a quality
person, but is so heavily influenced by the far left that he is unable
to make the tough decisions that it takes to effectively manage our
economy. I said after he was elected in 2008 if his plan worked I would
vote for his re-election. His plan to push federalization of our economy
clearly has not worked. I believe Mitt Romney has a better plan and the

leadership qualities to make it happen.

Wayne Lobdell

Dear Mr. Lobdell,

I agree whole heartedly with your analysis of the debt and the need to
get it under control. I believe that this can only be accomplished by
compromise which includes adjustments to “entitlements”, including
funds going to those who do not need the money, reduction of
governmental waste for many ridiculous or redundant programs,
elimination of unneeded business regulations, and going back to pre-
Bush tax levels.

Two of my four suggestions will adversely affect my personal bottom

I see the problem being the politics, as the solutions are as plain as
the nose on your face. I do not believe that either Obama, Romney, or
anyone else can cure the rampant political disease which is ruining this
country as orchestrated by the Congress.

“My way or the highway” is a heck of a way to run a country.

The Republican candidates other than Romney seem deeply flawed by
their belief that it is the job of a President of the United States and the
Congress is to regulate the religious beliefs, social, and sexual mores of
American citizens.

Perhaps these also-rans really believe that the stuff they shovel at us all
night and all day comes from the mouth of God, but I have a feeling that
many are just trying to con the citizens on the far right to vote in their

So far, in this election my position stands on the phrase “A pox
on both your houses” for the pitiful failure of the White House and
Congress to solve large but simple problems by compromise, as they
refuse to use all the tools in their tool box because they desperately
want to get re-elected.

Michael H. Gora has been certified by the Board of Specialization of
The Florida Bar as a specialist in family and matrimonial law, and is
a partner with Shapiro Blasi Wasserman & Gora P.A. in Boca Raton.
Mr. Gora may be reached by e-mail

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