Published On: Tue, Mar 14th, 2017

Andrea Levine O’Rourke Questionnaire


Below is a questionnaire sent by the Tribune staff to sent toAndrea Levine O’Rourke and her answers.

  1. Name: Andrea Levine O’Rourke
  2. Personal: 69; East Boca/Golden Triangle; Married to George for 35 years; One daughter; One grandson
  3. Education:  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Fine Arts, Florida Atlantic University
  4. Profession: Design Consultant
  5. Political Background:
    • City of Boca Raton Downtown Advisory Committee, Member;
    • Boca Raton Police Department Crime Watch, former Board Member
  6. Public Service:
    • Golden Triangle Neighborhood Association, Co-founder; President
    • Federation of Boca Raton Homeowner Associations, former Chair and Secretary
    • Boca Raton Bowl, Community Captain
    • Milagro Center, Mentor, 2002-present
    • Mentor of the Year, 2009
  7. Why is City Government Important? It is the level of government that affects residents most directly.  If elected, I can effect change and introduce ideas that improve the day to day quality of life for the citizens of the community.
  8. What’s your vision for the city? Responsible, sustainable growth that reflects the core values and quality of life our current and future residents expect.
  9. What are your plans for ongoing traffic?  I will not support additional density beyond what is currently allowed by code.  Incorporate smart street design, which encourages walkability.  Infrastructure must be in place before more development and zoning changes are approved (concurrency).  Regarding downtown, incorporating smart parking techniques will help alleviate traffic.  Encourage pedestrian travel by adding way-finding signs and maps.
  10. What are your thoughts of the Midtown Project?  There is not a project now…it’s a zoning change. The potential project is double the newly approved FAR for Planned Mobility Districts (PMD) from 1250 units to 2500. The renderings shown must correlate to reality.  The transportation infrastructure must be in place first (concurrency).  It must meet the PMD matrix. There must be collaboration with the residents. This should have been before the residents a year ago. Community collaboration for zoning changes of this degree or large projects should require town hall meetings/workshops well in advance of going before the Zoning Board or Council.
  11. What are your thoughts of compensation for officials?  A raise was recently voted on.  It was a large increase; however, it was due, as Boca officials were underpaid.  Additional raises should not be automatic, but go to a vote for approval.
  12. Single member district or at large election?  I am comfortable with the at-large elections we presently have.  I believe for our size city it is a cohesive approach.
  13. What are you views on annexation?  I would decide each proposal on a case by case basis.  I have four requirements: 1. It must be voluntary.  2. It must be financially feasible for the long run. 3. It must not over extend our city services.  4. It must go to a vote of the public.  There should always be the underlying rule that it doesn’t change the nature of our city and that the new residents will be as engaged as current.
  14. What are your thoughts on development in Downtown?  Contrary to the narrative put forth by those that support overdevelopment that claim the city is following the plan of thirty years ago, Ordinance 4035 has morphed over the years through amendment, variances and technical deviations, the Interim Design Guideline (IDG) and additional height granted for each development.  The end product is no resemblance to what was intended.  The walkability and connectivity originally promised seem nothing more than a slogan at this time.
  15. Is there anything City Council is doing wrong?  Traffic, congestion and overdevelopment are ruining Boca’s unique quality of life.  That’s because our city council grants every developer request for taller buildings and increased density.  That needs to stop!  The Council members are elected to be the caretakers of our city.  They are well aware of projects that are in the pipeline.  They have made little to no effort to make residents aware in advance.  They have not encouraged community participation in the form of collaborative workshops on projects that change the nature and density of the community.  They have granted too many variances and deviations from our original code.

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