Published On: Mon, Aug 28th, 2023

Florida Commercial Truck Accidents: What to Know


Commercial truck accidents can have devastating consequences, often resulting in severe injuries and significant property damage. In the state of Florida, where numerous commercial vehicles traverse the highways every day, it is crucial to understand the key aspects surrounding these accidents. This article aims to provide essential information regarding Florida commercial truck accidents, covering various important topics to help you stay informed and take appropriate actions if you find yourself in such a situation.

Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

Commercial truck accidents can occur due to various factors. Understanding the common causes can help shed light on potential risks and precautions. Some significant causes of commercial truck accidents in Florida include:

Driver Fatigue

Truck drivers often work long hours and may become fatigued, leading to reduced focus and slower reaction times. Federal regulations exist to limit the number of consecutive hours a truck driver can operate, but violations can still occur.

Distracted Driving

Using mobile devices, eating, or other distractions can divert a truck driver’s attention from the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Improper Truck Maintenance

Commercial trucks require regular maintenance to ensure safe operation. Neglecting inspections, brake failures, or other mechanical issues can contribute to accidents.

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Excessive speed and reckless behavior, such as aggressive lane changes or tailgating, significantly increase the risk of accidents involving commercial trucks.

Legal Aspects and Liability

Understanding the legal aspects and liability associated with commercial truck accidents is crucial for victims seeking compensation. Consulting with a California truck accident lawyer can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring your rights are protected and helping you pursue the compensation you deserve. Here are some important points to consider:

Federal and State Regulations

Commercial trucks are subject to both federal and state regulations. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations govern various aspects, including driver qualifications, hours of service, and vehicle maintenance. State-specific laws may also apply.

Determining Liability

Determining liability in commercial truck accidents can be complex. Liability may lie with the truck driver, the trucking company, the vehicle manufacturer, or even a third party involved in the accident.

Insurance Coverage

Commercial trucking companies are typically required to carry substantial commercial truck insurance coverage to compensate accident victims. It is essential to understand the workers comp insurance policies and limits that apply to your specific situation.

Steps to Take After a Commercial Truck Accident

Knowing the appropriate steps to take following a commercial truck accident is crucial to protect your rights and ensure a fair resolution. Here are some important actions to consider:

Seek Medical Attention

Your health and well-being should be the top priority. Even if you do not immediately feel injured, it is crucial to seek medical attention as some injuries may not manifest immediately.

Gather Evidence

Collect as much evidence as possible at the accident scene. This may include photographs, witness statements, and obtaining the truck driver’s information. Then, an experienced truck accident lawyer in Sacramento says, such evidence can be valuable for insurance claims or legal proceedings.

Report the Accident

Contact the local authorities and file a police report. This creates an official record of the accident, which can be essential for insurance purposes and any legal claims.

Consult an Attorney

Scheduling a personal injury consultation with an attorney specializing in commercial truck accidents is highly recommended. They can guide you through the legal process, help assess liability, and pursue the appropriate compensation.

Seeking Compensation and Legal Remedies

When seeking compensation for injuries and damages resulting from a commercial truck accident, several legal remedies may be available:

Personal Injury Claims

Filing a personal injury claim allows accident victims to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the accident with the help of a personal injury lawyer.

Wrongful Death Claims

In the unfortunate event of a fatality, surviving family members may file a wrongful death claim to seek compensation for funeral expenses, loss of income, and emotional distress.

Product Liability Claims

If a defective truck part or component contributed to the accident, a product liability claim may be pursued against the manufacturer or distributor of the faulty product.


Commercial truck accidents in Florida can have far-reaching consequences for victims and their families. Understanding the causes, legal aspects, and necessary steps to take after an accident is vital for safeguarding your rights and seeking fair compensation. If you or a loved one has been involved in a commercial truck accident, it is crucial to consult with an experienced truck accident lawyer in Boca Raton, Florida who can guide you through the legal process and help you pursue the appropriate remedies. By staying informed and taking appropriate action, you can protect yourself and strive for a just resolution in the aftermath of a commercial truck accident.

About the author: Kerry L. Tucker

Early in his journalism college years, Kerry had a revelation: there were not nearly enough

law communicators. People’s difficulties in understanding the law, procedures, and how the

justice system worked stemmed from the fact that no one took the patience to explain

complicated matters to them. Therefore, he took upon himself the task of helping people

navigate legal matters easier. He works with attorneys and other legal journalists and

spends time researching so that everyone – from a mother whose child got a bike injury to a company needing insurance counsel – to find the actionable answers they are looking for.

About the Author

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