Published On: Mon, May 1st, 2023

Labor Day Celebrated by Workers and Activists Across Asia

Labor Day is an important holiday around the world, and in Asia, workers and activists are marking the occasion with rallies, marches, and demonstrations. From Hong Kong to Bangladesh, people are coming together to demand better wages, safer working conditions, and greater protections for workers’ rights.

In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the precariousness of workers’ lives, as many have lost their jobs or been forced to work in unsafe conditions. Labor Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of these issues and to call for change.

In Hong Kong, workers are calling for an end to the “996” culture, where employees are expected to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. In Bangladesh, garment workers are demanding better wages and safer working conditions, following a series of deadly factory disasters in recent years.

Meanwhile, in Malaysia, workers are calling for the government to address issues of inequality and to provide greater protections for workers’ rights. In the Philippines, workers and activists are protesting against the government’s controversial anti-terrorism law, which they say threatens civil liberties and workers’ rights.

Despite the challenges, workers and activists across Asia remain committed to the cause of workers’ rights and social justice. Through their actions and advocacy, they are working to build a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. As we mark Labor Day, let us all stand in solidarity with these brave men and women, and pledge to support their efforts to create a fairer and more equitable world.

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