Published On: Mon, Mar 13th, 2023

Ozempic steals the show at the Oscars, but not in the way Novo Nordisk intended

At the 2023 Oscars, one unexpected star stole the show: Ozempic, a type 2 diabetes medication made by the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk. However, it wasn’t for the reasons that the company had likely hoped.

During the awards ceremony, several celebrities and presenters made tongue-in-cheek references to the drug, which is known for its side effect of significant weight loss. Actress Rebel Wilson quipped that she was “on the Ozempic diet,” while comedian Seth Meyers joked that he was “taking Ozempic to fit into my tuxedo.”

While Novo Nordisk likely hoped that the high-profile mentions of Ozempic would lead to increased sales and brand recognition, the company may not be thrilled with the way it was portrayed. Some viewers took the jokes as a sign of the pressure placed on celebrities to conform to unrealistic beauty standards, with Ozempic being seen as a shortcut to weight loss rather than a legitimate medication for managing diabetes.

The irony is that Novo Nordisk has been attempting to rebrand Ozempic as a weight loss drug, rather than just a medication for diabetes. The company launched a major advertising campaign in 2022, featuring testimonials from people who had lost significant amounts of weight while taking Ozempic. However, the Oscars jokes may have highlighted the problematic message behind this approach, which could be seen as promoting unhealthy body image and encouraging the use of medication for non-medical purposes.

Overall, while the mention of Ozempic at the Oscars may have provided some free publicity for Novo Nordisk, the company may want to reconsider its marketing strategy going forward. As the conversation around body positivity and healthy living continues to evolve, it’s becoming increasingly clear that promoting weight loss at any cost may not be the best way to approach health and wellness.

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