Published On: Sat, Sep 21st, 2019

How to Raise Money for Your Small Business with Bad Credit

If you plan to start a small business, one of the many things you will need to consider is how you will raise the finance you need. There are various options you can look at in order to do this, particularly if you only need to raise a small amount of finance to get things off the ground. By making sure you know how much you need to get started, you can then determine which options are right for you.

The financial solutions that are available to you can vary based on various factors. This includes the amount you need, the nature of your business, and your credit score among other things. The good news is that there are short-term financial solutions to suit a wide range of needs, which makes it easier for you to get the money you need even with damaged credit. We will look at some of the possible options in this article.

Some Financial Solutions to Consider

In order to borrow a modest amount of cash for your business, you can look at various options depending on your circumstances. Before you get started, make sure you get a copy of your credit report and score, as this will give you a better idea of which options you can consider.

One of the things you can do in order to raise the money you need is to take out a credit card. There are many banks and providers that may be able to offer you a credit card, but you will need to go through an application. Fortunately, you can do this with ease online, but you need to bear in mind that most lenders will want you to have decent credit. If you don’t have good credit, you can still get a credit card but it will be from a sub-prime lender, which means you will pay crippling interest rates on what you borrow unless you can make the full repayment within the interest-free period.

Another option you can consider is to get an online title loan, which is ideal if you have damaged credit. This type of loan is basically secured against your vehicle, so you need to be a vehicle owner in order to be considered. You must also own the vehicle outright rather than owe finance on it. If accepted, you can get a percentage of the vehicle’s value by way of a loan, and many lenders will let you continue using the vehicle as normal. However, if you default on payments, you could lose the vehicle so you need to ensure you can make the repayments comfortably.

If you do not own a vehicle but you do own your own home, a secured loan against your property could be an option if you do not have good credit. As with a title loan, you need to ensure you can afford the repayments to ensure your home is not at risk.

These are some of the key methods you can use to get money for your business if your credit is damaged. 


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