Published On: Tue, Nov 6th, 2012

Boca Raton Tribune endorses Mitt Romney for President

Everyone who invests in securities has heard of a “Santa Claus Rally” in the stock market.  Well, we predict that if Mitt Romney is elected President, we will enjoy the best Christmas since 2008. And not just in the markets, not just in Boca Raton, but everywhere in our country as it will buoy the economy and benefit everyone.

It is the firm belief of the Boca Raton Tribune that if the Romney-Ryan ticket wins on Nov. 6, the public will sense not just hope and change — which so far has resulted in dwindling hope and an illusive change — but a genuine change for the better economically.  This, in turn, will motivate consumers and businesses to feel better about the future, enough to loosen the purse strings and spend and invest confidently in the future, which in turn will rally our economy.

Today, we are endorsing Gov. Mitt Romney for President because we believe he has much more experience in what’s best for small businesses, what’s most motivating for job creators, which is ultimately what our economy depends on for jobs.  And not on government!

Barack Obama is a decent, likable person, one that we believe means well, but his experience is limited to government work.  Mr. Obama has never been out in the real working world.

Also, it doesn’t matter how much money the candidates have, how personable they are, how effectively they deliver speeches.  No, it depends on their ideas—on solutions that they offer and on their ability to carry them out.  We believe Gov. Romney’s ideas are much more practical and experience based, so he’ll have a much better chance to improve the business climate that in turn will help the middle class prosper and businesses flourish.

So, we urge you vote for a real Santa Claus Rally. Support the Romney/Ryan ticket on Election Day.


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