Published On: Fri, Sep 28th, 2012

Unnecessary Fighting Leads to Failure!

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

Individuals who happen to occupy hostile environments, sooner or later come to realize that anything they say or don’t say, can and will be used against them. This is so whenever it becomes convenient for the accuser to maintain his or her belligerence toward another!

Sadly, this happens more frequently than it should, whether among family members, in residential neighborhoods, in the work place, and within religious institutions. When such attitudes persist, unnecessary trouble erupts, allowing unpleasant situations which could be more quickly resolved, to be prolonged interminably to the disadvantage of all concerned.

Personal conflicts can easily occur. Sometimes, simple misunderstandings can lead to major contentions which retard, and often prevent, permanent, satisfactory solutions. Sadly, this stems from personal pride and other negative forces operative among the participants involved!

Nevertheless, no personal controversy should ever be initiated and pursued, unless there is a predisposition on the part of the contenders to seek a sound conclusion, or reach a reasonable compromise, leading to a swift resolution! One must strive to establish an expiration date for any hot topic under discussion, any issue difficult to resolve!

When such is not the case, one contemplates two losers when both could be genuine winners! Prolonging any hostility tends to complicate matters because new issues are often added to the conflict, more fuel to the fire, when true reconciliation should remain the uppermost objective to be reached!

In such battles, carried on with negative attitudes, no one will ever be the winner. Yet, both can be triumphant by swallowing their pride, abandoning their stubbornness, and by taking positive steps forward in a reconciling attitude through dealing with the issues more creatively!

Everybody makes mistakes and, on that account, every person deserves more understanding and forgiveness. This applies to individuals in any sector of society, and to nations at every corner of the earth!

Let there be peace on earth, as each inhabitant of this planet takes personal initiative in acting in a more proactive, peaceful fashion, both to avoid entering into an unnecessary fight, as well as in finding positive solutions to battles which need not continue!

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