Published On: Fri, Sep 21st, 2012

Punctuate Your Actions More Accurately!

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

As you make your pilgrimage in the world, learn to punctuate its movements correctly! There are times when exclamation points shall spontaneously emerge, on account of what you see, hear and experience! Life is to be lived with awe, filled with a sense of wonder!

Moment by moment, you are met with manifold and multiform surprises. It’s good to possess the tools needed to express the unique emotion elicited by each new experience! In like manner, you also need the corresponding punctuation marks which best convey those unique sentiments!

Just like you punctuate whatever you record on paper, your life pilgrimage will also benefit from the same in order to make sense to people who observe you, as well as for personal meaning in your own manifold experiences and challenges!

Therefore, never place a coma where God intends a period, nor a period where a coma should be employed. Be sure to utilize interrogation points where they are legitimately called for, and never neglect the rightful use of exclamation points.

The more you consider all your actions, you shall also find reasons to make use of colons and semi-colons in situations where these are necessary to make more sense. Indeed, every single punctuation sign has a place in every transaction you make, in each activity you engage in!

In the readings of written texts, one depends on adequate punctuation signs for better understanding and fuller enjoyment of what is written before one’s eyes. Improperly composed texts make little or no sense at all. It may appear on an advertisement, an article, a book, in personal letters, or in whatever document requiring a signature and commitment!

Some individuals, unwisely, force their life to proceed without a period; they move day in, day out at a fast pace and without a stop. Even their short pauses, such as a coffee break, a meal, and other customary daily interruptions, do not remove the tensions which such persons force into their endeavors. They fail to acknowledge the need of balance in the execution of their tasks, both for their own sanity, and for the sake of better quality in productivity!

Never lose your sense of curiosity. To that end, make good use of as many question marks you may need, remembering at the same time that there may be no answers to some of your interrogations! At the same time, don’t just ask questions which make no sense, nor bring any new light into a pressing subject or investigation!

Although punctuation signs are almost inevitable in your daily trajectory, consider the exclamation point with extra care. Life is filled with wonder; many of your encounters with nature and other significant experiences in the heavy traffic of daily life should elicit more “Wow” and “Aha” reactions from you and every other human observant!

To that end, be attentive to the manifold surprises which life brings your way, any day, any time, both good and bad – each begging for your acknowledgment in the form of an appropriate exclamation!


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