Published On: Thu, Feb 16th, 2012

The Nonsense of Politics

By: Mike Gora

At best, politics, generally, is one step below liar’s poker.  When we are in a presidential election year, there is really no reason whatsoever for any of us to believe what any candidate says, directly or through their own paid commercials, their “Super Pac” alter egos, or even their wives or mothers.

During the next several months, just as in the last several months, you will hear all candidates say whatever they believe it is necessary to win next week’s primary election or the general election in November.

Just in the last couple of weeks, we have heard one candidate propose colonizing the moon, and another indicating that he’s not worried about the poor people.  Of course compared to many of the candidates, all of us fit into their idea of poor people.

You may have noticed that we have not heard those interesting reports from the “Truth-O-Meter” lately.  The truth be told the candidates in this year’s election have broken it.  The company trying to make a living in finding the truth is so far behind the curve that by the time they find the answer, we will have all forgotten the question, or the candidates pushed ahead to more transparent lies or have flip-flopped to the other side of the issue.

All of which brings me to the reason that I am writing this column, which in “truth” overstates the obvious, and that reason is Sid Dinerstein, Palm Beach County’s Republican Chair.

On Super Bowl Sunday the dapper chairman was a guest on a Channel 5 political talk show.  Normally I would not have wasted my time in watching this form of un-reality TV, but I was working on post-processing some photographs and was too busy to get up and turn the TV off.  I was listening when I heard the most outrageous, preposterous, nonsense come out of Sidney’s mouth.

The commentator was asking Sid to analyze why Newt Gingrich had received such a low percentage of women’s votes.  Sid said words to the effect that he believed that Republican women were far less tolerant of cheating husbands than woman who were loyal Democrats.  (I’m not kidding, he really said that.)

With over 30 years of experience as a divorce lawyer I can tell all of you men of the Republican or Democratic parties that I have never met a woman of any political party, religion, or race who was tolerant of their cheating husband, or the cheating husband of their mother, sister, or best friend.

All of which goes to prove my point.  During the next several months refuse to listen to any of this bull or totally disregard anything said by any one on any political issue.  Do your own analysis of the candidates and issues, based upon the reality of the situation, and where this country has been and what reasonable expectations we should have for the future before deciding how to vote.  Do not listen to the snake oil salesmen themselves; it is a waste of time.

Michael H. Gora has been certified by the Board of Specialization of The Florida Bar as a specialist in family and matrimonial law, and is a partner with Shapiro Blasi Wasserman & Gora P.A. in Boca Raton.  Mr. Gora may be reached by e-mail at  (561) 477-7800.

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