Published On: Wed, Mar 16th, 2011

Avoid Whatever Can Harm You!

By Synesio Lyra

As people journey through life, most are aware that there are certain poisons ingested, breathed, or touched, which can kill a person instantly, just as if it were an attack from a venomous serpent. Then, there are others that, at first, come disguised as something harmless, pleasant, definitely innocent and desirable.

Nevertheless, these also can be just as lethal as the others; the only difference is that their danger and harm are not manifested all at once; the final damage comes only gradually, with deadly force, without being caused by an overdose. A few of these may enslave a person with the force of a killing vice, in spite of antidotes applied, but which lack a reviving effect.

The truth, in all cases, is that what is poisonous always brings destruction, whether death occurs immediately, or comes through unnecessary suffering over a prolonged period of time. As C.S. Lewis once argued, “when poisons become fashionable they do not cease to kill.”

Dr. Synesio Lyra

Therefore, individuals need greater wisdom in understanding all they deal with in society, instead of being so gullible in easily embracing, on the basis of appeal, whatever can be so perilous and destructive to them! Actions devoid of discernment seldom lead to a better life and enduring peace; just the opposite takes place!

Indeed, a great tragedy more prevalent now than ever before in the world, is that large crowds are saying yes too easily and very swiftly to poisonous substances, poisonous activities, poisonous ideas, even poisonous associations with others, without caring at all for the unpleasant, inevitable outcomes of their careless choices.

With many public or private allurements, the “products” may be improved, the advertisements may be more attractive, the reported number of customers may be enormous! Nevertheless, the ultimate effect, in some cases, remains fatal just the same! Be sure you are not led astray by a single individual or idea, without intelligently measuring the potential outcome!

Remember that “authoritative” endorsements won’t diminish nor remove the inevitable, injurious, deadly effects a product can have! Even affirmative results of human polls cannot ever eliminate the death-producing nature of certain substances, practices, or ideas.

The validity of any idea or action cannot be ascertained on the numbers who have adopted it for themselves, or are satisfied in it. Higher standards need to be employed in a person’s determination to remain distant from what is harmful, while choosing only what has been proven healthy, sound, and personally life-giving!


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