Published On: Mon, Jun 17th, 2019

7 Ways to Stay Healthy After 40

The life expectancy in the US is 78 years.

At 40, you have a number of good years ahead of you. Just how good these years will be is dependent on how well you take care of your health.

If you have let yourself go over the years, it’s never too late to pick up the slack and get yourself back on track.

Here are some ways to help you take better care of yourself.

1. Take Your Sleep More Seriously

If you are like most 40-year-olds, your internal body controls will let you know when you lag on this.

It’s however best not to let it get to that point.

The quality of sleep tends to take a dip with age due to life stresses and hormonal changes.

Whatever it takes, try as much as possible to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

This will get you well-rested, boost your immunity, and help your body to recover from injuries or strain.

2. Work Out

Some of the things you start to lose at this age are muscle and bone density.

Weight training two to four times a week can help fight against this. It will also help you to maintain a healthy weight.

If you cannot take up weight training for one reason or the other, ensure to get at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week.

Walking, biking, jogging, swimming, dancing, and hiking are great options.

3. Take Care of Your Mental Health

You might have a lot going on these days. Aging parents, high school or college going kids, career challenges, etc.

Your peers might be going through a similar set of challenges, making it harder and harder for your circle to congregate.

Nonetheless, make an effort to have such interactions as often as you can. Have a few hobbies or activities that can bring you together.

4. Cut  the Bad Habits

As the years go by, the bad habits you got away with previously might start taking a toll on you, and your health.

Things such as smoking, drinking too much or even staying out late at nightfall under this category.

It’s not easy to quit smoking if you have been at it for years, but it’s doable. This is one of the best things you can do for your health.

5. Get That Annual Exam

This is even more important if it’s one of the things you have forgotten to do year after year.

In fact, this should be one of the first things you do once you turn 40.

Your doctor will be keen to check on your heart health, blood pressure, diabetes, and prostate problems.

Sexual function begins to be a concern at this age and erectile dysfunction becomes a concern. Should you experience problems in this area, your doctor can suggest lifestyle changes as well as effective medical treatments for erectile dysfunction such as PRF treatment in Dallas, TX. Some men opt for injectables such as a P-Shot in Lehi, UT.

6. Eat Healthily

Pay extra attention to your nutrition and what you put in your body.

As much as possible, cut back on salt and unhealthy fats, and opt for more unprocessed, organic healthy foods as well as fruits and vegetables.

Stack up on healthy fats, lean protein, vitamins, minerals, and lots of fiber.

Your healthcare provider should be able to discuss your diet and suggest any supplements you should be taking.

7. Hydrate

Water is great for your general well-being and supports numerous body functions, including expelling toxic waste from your body.

It is therefore important to make it a habit to always have a bottle of water around you at all times. Include fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well to break the monotony.

Life Indeed Begins at 40

You have probably heard this before. Unfortunately, the body starts to slow down once you hit this age.  

But that does not mean that you should be worried or that you cannot enjoy life as much as you have always done. It only means that you should start being more conscious about your lifestyle and your health.

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