Published On: Mon, May 24th, 2021

The 11 Best Ways To Relax And Unwind While Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a record number of people working from home. There are some definite advantages to working from home, from wearing PJs to work to avoiding the usual commuting traffic. However, there are some notable downsides to remote working, including feelings of isolation, finding it hard to switch off and keeping work and home life separate.  

It is essential during challenging times to prioritise self-care and good mental health practices to keep you refreshed, creative and working productively. Here are some of the best ways that you can relax and unwind while working remotely.  

Keep Work And Leisure Separate 

Keeping work and leisure separate is one of the critical challenges of working from home, particularly if your home office is set up in your living room or kitchen. However, there are a few ways that you can achieve this, even if you are working in a shared space.  

It may be tempting to relax on the sofa as you work, but this can lead to a blurring of the lines between work and pleasure. Instead, you should try and stick to one space that you use for work. After you finish work, you could consider physically separating your workspace using a room divider or even a lightweight blanket to cover your workspace until the next day.  

Listen To Music 

Music can have a profound impact on our mood, so it can be helpful to make a playlist of songs that cheer you up and energise you. In addition, it would help if you switched around your musical playlist to ensure that you always have something fresh and fun to listen to while you work. If you’re not really into music, you can watch Are You Ready For The Rapture? (DVD Set) by Billy Crone instead. 

Stick To Your Work Hours 

With no office closing time to ensure you keep track of time, it can be easy to end up working past your usual hours. Doing so occasionally isn’t too much of an issue, but it can lead to burnout over time. It may help to set an alarm to remind you when the working day is finished and be strict with yourself in enforcing your work hours.  

Make A Post-Work Ritual  

A post-work ritual can help you get into the habit of relaxing after a day’s work. You could look at this ritual as an alternative to commuting that can help to draw a line under a day at work.  

The form your ritual takes will be mainly down to personal preference. For instance, you could change clothes, go for a walk or start prepping dinner once you have logged off. Having a relaxing shower or bath could be a great way to kick start your post-work relaxation.  

Take Exercise Breaks 

Taking breaks throughout the workday is essential to keep your productivity levels high. An excellent way to work through any frustration or stress during the workday can be to engage in some short exercise sessions throughout the day.  

You could consider starting with a short 5-minute yoga session that will get your blood pumping while de-stressing. In addition, there are plenty of short exercise videos out there to choose from, which can be an ideal way to set your mood for the day.  

Try Out A New Game 

Gaming is a crucial tool for stress management for many people. You could consider finding a new game that you can look forward to playing at the end of each day. There are so many options out there you’re sure to find one that suits you.  

You could consider taking up a game that can help keep your mind sharp. Sudoku, crossword puzzles and casino games are all excellent choices for games that can improve your mental acuity and performance in and out of work. It may help to search up online casino reviews to learn more and find the right games to help you relax. 

Switch Off The Screens Before Bed 

The lights from our phone, tablet and laptop screens can negatively impact our sleep schedule. To counteract this, it could help to make a habit of putting your screens away at least an hour before you plan to sleep. This can help ensure that you get a good night’s sleep – crucial for being productive and relaxed for the days ahead.  

During your screen-free time, you could consider reading a book, listening to music or working on a hobby or craft.  

Eat Well

It can be tempting to rely on takeout during challenging times like these. Takeaway, and junk food can be great for an occasional treat, but if eaten consistently, they can lead to a number of health issues. Lowered mood is one of the most common effects of eating junk and fast food.  

Instead, it may help to ensure you get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet and find ways to incorporate all elements of a healthy balanced diet into your mealtimes. There are plenty of guides online to help you get started, and you could consider signing up for a meal delivery kit that will provide you with all you need for delicious, healthy meals.  

Try Out Meditation  

Meditation can be a great way to connect with your mind and reduce any feelings of stress and anxiety caused by work. You could consider setting aside 10 minutes after work each day to work through a guided meditation video on YouTube. Burning a scented candle can also help to create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation.  

Go Outdoors 

Spending time in nature is an excellent way to unwind and get some much-needed fresh air. You could consider bookending your workday with a short walk around your home or a local beauty spot. Connecting with nature has been proved to raise mood and enhance mental wellbeing. You could consider seeking out local green areas for the added benefit.  

Spend Time With Friends And Family 

Spending time with family and friends has been challenging over the past months. With lockdown slowly easing, it is becoming easier to spend time with loved ones. You could consider making plans to see friends throughout the week to help you get out of the house and disconnect from work.  

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