Published On: Wed, Jul 15th, 2020

Top 5 Internet Safety Tips

You can do anything online now, and you probably do, that’s why it’s fundamental to have some knowledge on keeping your data safe, so take note of these top 5 internet safety tips and keep your eyes open for threats.

Technological advancements are moving too fast for most people to notice, anticipate or prepare for, they have turned communications, finances, and almost everything else around, but don’t let it overwhelm you, protecting yourself out there is possible.

Because of all the uses and implication of tech, the best way to stay safe is to go start with basics, here are the top 5 internet safety tips

Put a limit social media

One of the best ways you can protect yourself from internet attacks is to put a cap on the amount of information you share online.

Setting your social media accounts to private if possible, plus editing your bios and content to protect delicate data.

Limiting personal information will protect you from vulnerabilities, and reducing time on social media can be beneficial for your mental health plus help reduce tracking information accumulated on you.

Staying safe while playing slots online

Online gaming has grown exponentially in the last few decades, with games diversifying beyond what existed.

The best tip to follow for playing slots online or other games is to do it with trustworthy sites, so remember that research before gaming is your best defence.

Always go with the legit sites and follow recommendations from other gamers as to where and how to play.

Keep your profiles private, and enjoy the game!

The stronger the password the better

Online safety is only as strong as the password you choose, remember this is the first line of defence between your attackers and your data.

Here are some tips on picking the right password for your accounts:

●     Stay away from recognizable information (birthdays, family names, etc)

●     Get creative

●     Use number

●     Add special characters

●     Don’t repeat

Once you have a strong password going you are probably going to need a good password manager to keep track of them all, avoid trusting pen a paper with this information because it could be stolen, lost or damaged.

Avoid public connections

Using a secure network is fundamental for a safe online experience, especially if you are planning on login onto a private profile, financial institution or educational one’s.

Keep yourself safe by only doing these types of digital activities when you have access to a trusted connection.

Stay updated constantly

This one goes for PC, Android or iPhone and Mac users, get your systems updates timely and regularly.

All the improvement made to the operating system or antivirus software you have is designed to keep you safer while using your online connections on the device, so it will be key to stay on track with the updates.

Be aware of the dangers

The most dangerous thing you can do online is to get too comfortable, that’s how you click on the wiring thing and open up a whole lot of headaches.

So distrust online communication you don’t recognize, sites and downloads if you don’t know the research before clicking to stay safe.

Remember these top 5 internet safety tips when you go online and you’ll dodge some of the most dangerous threats out there. 

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