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Dealing with Unproductive Employees!

By: Robert S Curry  Dealing with unproductive employees! If you are a business owner who has a weak manager, deal with it. Even though the rest of the managers may be talented and productive, the unproductive manager usually does not improve. Typically what happens is the stronger managers start declining down to the weakest manager’s level. Either the other managers slow down their production, or they leave the company. Frustration builds with the other managers because the owner has not dealt with the weak manager’s poor performance.

Dealing with unproductive Employees

I have witnessed this in companies where there are dominant, high-quality, productive employees. Other employees didn’t care and did the minimum. Unless the owner acknowledges the weak manager and fixes the problem, the situation usually gets worse. The owner should reward the value staff and weed out the poor performers. If he does not deal with the problem, the productive employees will eventually feel unappreciated for working hard. The productive employees will progressively slow down to the unproductive pace or leave the company. In such cases, it is crucial for employees to be aware of their options when reporting workplace discrimination. The business owner is responsible and accountable for the resolution of this problem.

The owner must deal with unproductive employees, or the company will suffer or even fail.

Dealing with unproductive employees. The best way to handle non-performing managers is to meet and discuss the problem with the manager. An owner needs to provide the manager with direction on how to improve his performance. He should regularly monitor the progress with a deadline for when the poor performance must improve. The owner must document the issues in case the problem leads to termination. The person’s personnel file should document written details, including dates, times, of the meetings with the owner. The record should document the reasons for the termination. A labor attorney should review this information to reduce the legal exposure of the terminated employee.

listen more during interviewsMy name is Robert Curry. I am an Author, CEO Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Turnaround Specialist. Over the past 20 years, I worked with more than 70 companies taking their businesses from Loses to Profits.

Please click on the links below to read my other articles like Dealing with Unproductive Employees.

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I have recently published two books about turnarounds: “From Red to Black – A Business Turnaround” and “The Turnaround.” Both books are true stories about turnarounds of real companies that I have turned around during my career. In both books, I have shared all my Profit Improvement Recommendations (“PIR’s”). PIR’s helped to grow sales, reduce expenses, improve cash flow, and most importantly, strengthen the management teams.

If the information in this article Dealing with Unproductive Employees. helps you, your family or a business associate, please email me at and share with me the story.

If you would like to purchase either or both books autographed by the author, please click on the following link: Losses to Profits Series.

Weak Manager on your Management Team?

The Turnaround & From Red to Black

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