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Weak Manager on your Management Team? Fix it!

By: Robert S Curry  If you own a company, you should evaluate the quality of your management team at least twice a year. When you have a weak manager as part of your staff, you need to deal with it. You owe it to your management team and the employees to replace him with a stronger manager. Most companies have four main company functions: sales, operations, information, and finance. View those four functions as four legs on a chair. When one of the four legs of the chair is weak, the chair falls. If one of the four managers is weak, the whole company will eventually fail! When the owner does not deal with the problem, (the weak manager), the owner is the weakest manager! No one fixes problems when the owner sticks his head in the sand and ignores the issues.

Now is the time to deal with the Weak Manager problems!

I learned that you could have a company with a great product, in a fantastic location, with a growing industry, during a healthy economy, and a weak management team, the company will lose money. Or, you can have a business with a bad product, in a terrible location, in a declining industry, with a weak economy, and a strong management team, and the company will be profitable. The common denominator is the management team. If you have a quality management team, the company is going to be successful.

If a weak manager is working for your company, now is the time to deal with it and upgrade the position. You owe it to the rest of the managers.

Please click on the links below and read other articles like Weak Manager on your Management Team? Fix it!

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listen more during interviewsMy name is Robert Curry, and I am an Author, CEO Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Turnaround Specialist. Over the past 20 years, I have worked with more than 70 companies taking their businesses from Loses to Profits.

I have recently published two books about turnarounds: “From Red to Black – A Business Turnaround” and “The Turnaround.” Both books are true stories about turnarounds of real companies that I have turned around during my career. In both books, I have shared all my Profit Improvement Recommendations (“PIR’s”). PIR’s helped to grow sales, reduce expenses, improve cash flow, and most importantly, strengthen the management teams.

If the information in this article Weak Manager on your Management Team? Fix it! helps you, your family or a business associate, please email me at and please share the story with me.

If you would like to purchase either or both books autographed by the author, please click on the following link: Losses to Profits Series.

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