Published On: Fri, Aug 10th, 2012

Never Despise a Good Idea!

By: Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.
It has been suggested that “the ultimate adventure on earth is the adventure of ideas.” Whether they come from you, or originate from somebody else, give heed to new ideas and never despise them, unless they are out of harmony with reality and morality.

Good ideas always serve a beneficial purpose; ideas that turn out to be illegitimate will gradually die a certain death! Nevertheless, whether they flourish or vanish, ideas inevitably have consequences, be they immediate or distant, good or bad, depending on their nature!

Never kill any idea which may advance, or be revised, to serve a good purpose. Like roads or rivers, ideas also merge with other ideas. What may be small at first, and appear insignificant to you, may be joined by other insights added, which will give shape and meaning to the original thought.

For this reason, author Alex Osborn commented: “Every idea should elicit receptivity, if not praise. Even if no good, it should at least call for encouragement to keep trying.” You can welcome what others share, while not despising your own creative conceptions.

I strongly believe that ideas are for sharing; by this means they can acquire new, significant characteristics as they expand. Your part should be to give ears to the ideas of others as well as total attention to your own. With respect to the latter, you alone can give feet and wings to ideas percolating in your own mind. Allow time for those ideas to mature!

Don’t dismiss too quickly an idea you may not like, or one you may find impractical at first. Keep it alive, think through it further, and see it re-emerge in better shape, pointing and leading to something worth implementing.

Keep in mind, as already stated, that an idea or action may be quickly forgotten, but the results of either may affect not only your immediate environment or current era, but entire generations, whether for good or for ill over a prolonged time!

You and every human, are furnished all the tools needed to face any challenge, to confront any situation, to develop any seminal idea, to succeed in any endeavor. But once you have any of these, be sure to follow sound instructions as to ensure the results you seek! The outcome should positively affect people both for now and for new generations to come!

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