Published On: Wed, Jun 27th, 2012

FAU Receives Gift of $30,750 for Business Scholarship Fund

BOCA RATON, FL (June 20, 2012) – Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business recently received a $30,750 gift from NAPM Florida Gold Coast, Inc (NAPM) affiliated with the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) ™.

The Board of Directors of the NAPM has created the “Supply Chain Management Educational Scholarship” fund at FAU for the purpose of providing 10 students with educational opportunities in the field of Supply Chain Management.  Preference for these competitive awards will be given to business major students needing economic assistance with a minor in operations management and emphasis on supply chain management.

“Supply Chain Management has become one of the most sought-after disciplines in business schools,” says Tamara Dinev, Ph.D., chair of the information technology and operations management department (ITOM) in the College of Business.  “The Supply Chain Management Educational Scholarship is an incredible opportunity for our students to get exposure and education in this important field to give them competitive advantage in the workplace.”

ITOM’s program on operations management and supply chain management focuses on the management of sourcing, operations, and distribution processes along a supply chain. Through effective management of supply chain activities, including supply chain network design, purchasing, forecasting, inventory management, globalization and outsourcing, as well as logistics and information technology, firms may gain a competitive advantage. The operations management minor with emphasis on supply chain management prepares the students for these types of jobs and develops their skills in the area that will benefit them in whatever career path they will take in the future.

“The importance of educating young adults in supply chain management today is driven by the fact that the supply management segment of business has gained a valued position in business operations over the past decade,” says Timothy Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the NAPM Florida Gold Coast, Inc. “As all entities, for-profit, government and even not-for-profits look to compete in what is now a global market place; they will continue to rely on supply chain professionals who have the education, knowledge and understanding of the supply chain. Employers will continue to seek those who are able to recognize the trends and developments in the supply chain and are capable of negotiating effective long term savings to the organization and thereby adding value to the bottom line.”

The Institute for Supply Management™ (ISM) is the first supply management institute in the world. Founded in 1915, ISM exists to lead and serve the supply management profession and is a highly influential and respected association in the global marketplace.

For more information, contact Tamara Dinev at 561-297-3181


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