Published On: Mon, Oct 4th, 2010

Afternoon of bowling kicks off family programming for federation's Metro season

South Palm Beach County’s young Jewish community is keeping on the move and heading for new connections at the Metro Division’s Family Bowling event on Sunday, October 17, from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pm. All are invited to see old friends and make brand new ones, at this warm, lively afternoon of lunch, bowling, contests, Mitzvah service projects, and children’s activities. All ages are welcome, and childcare will be provided.

The gathering, which launches the Metro season’s family activities, will take place at Strikes Bowling Alley, 21046 Commercial Trail in Boca Raton. Couvert is only $10 per person, with no minimum gift required to attend and no charge for children four and under.

“The Metro Family Bowling event is a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your children, while teaching them about giving back to their community by supporting the efforts of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County,” said Linda Schwartzman, who is co-chairing the event with Rachel Rudensky. “It’s a perfect opportunity to show them how helping those less fortunate here, in Israel and overseas, is rewarding and can even be fun.”

The Federation’s Metro Division offers something for every young Jewish adult, through three program tracks: Metro Business, Metro Community and the Ben Gurion Society.  The next Metro family event will be a Love, Laughs and Latkes Chanukah and Shabbat program on December 3 at Olympic High School.

“Metro Division is designed to engage our generation as the younger connection to the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County,” said Pam Cohen, Metro Division Chair. “We encourage all adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s who care about our vibrant Jewish community to find their niche in Metro’s expanded array of social, business, family, educational, leadership and philanthropic activities. It’s OUR time to create a brighter future – get involved with YOUR Jewish community!”

Metro Division is generously sponsored by The Sandelman Foundation.

To RSVP for the Metro Family Bowling event online, visit For more information about the event or to get moving with Metro, contact 561-852-3109 or or visit

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County serves the Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach areas, raising and allocating millions of dollars each year to meet vital needs locally, in Israel and worldwide. The Federation’s Metro Division provides multiple varied opportunities for younger adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s to engage with the Jewish community.

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