Published On: Mon, Sep 20th, 2010

Local seniors, retirees’ alliance endorse Klein for Congress

BOCA RATON – Local seniors and members of the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans rallied Sept. 16 to show their support for U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (D-District 22) at the Dayscape Senior Center in Coconut Creek.

The alliance represents more than 200,000 retirees and older Americans.

“We have endorsed Congressman Klein because of his track record of preserving and protecting Social Security and Medicare,” Florida Alliance for Retired Americans president Tony Fransetta said. “His opponent has radical ideas that are not in the best interests of the seniors that we represent. “

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Florida Alliance of Retired Americans,” said Klein, “and I am proud to represent 130,000 seniors here in South Florida. I am committed to fighting for our seniors every day.”

Klein said he strongly opposes privatizing Social Security and Medicare.

“I will not allow these programs to be jeopardized or destroyed,” Klein said. “Our seniors have paid into these programs with a lifetime of hard work, and we have to keep our end of the deal. Especially in these challenging times, when seniors rely on their monthly Social Security check or the right to see a doctor of their choice, we need to do whatever it takes to protect them.”

Klein vowed when he first ran for Congress in 2006 that he would close the Medicare Part D doughnut hole and work to lower prescription drug costs. He said he kept that promise, working with AARP to close the doughnut hole for good and provide seniors with $250 rebate checks to help with the cost of medicine.

Elders and alliance members said Klein’s leadership on key senior issues inspired him to craft the common-sense Seniors’ Bill of Rights, which is built around three principles: the right of seniors to financial security, which requires new measures to protect against scam artists and criminals preying on seniors; the right of seniors to stability, which requires fighting to protect Medicare and Social Security; and the right of seniors to safety in their homes and communities, which includes access to transportation and safe, reputable nursing homes and daycare centers.

“We need Congressman Klein’s continued leadership to ensure our senior population can have a dignified retirement,” Dayscape Senior Center director Susan Eichler said. “Congressman Klein’s commitment to fighting for seniors on everything from strengthening Medicare, Social Security to improving transportation for our local seniors demonstrate why we need him representing us.”

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