Published On: Mon, Mar 16th, 2015

Rotarians with a Heart Give Food to Local Students

???????????????????????????????By CRA News Service

DELRAY BEACH – Local Rotarians are focusing on the heart, but it doesn’t have to do with your body’s ticker.

Members of the Rotary Club of Delray Beach delivered several pounds of non-perishable food to Pine Grove Elementary School on Tuesday as part of the “Rotary Has Heart” campaign.

The Rotarians collected the food items for “to support our schools in this community and to make sure that the kids have what they need,” said Mikki Shidler, a visiting Rotarian from South Bend, Indiana, who worked with the Rotary Club of Delray Beach to collect and distribute the food.

Former Rotary International Vice President Anne Matthews established the “Rotary Has Heart” challenge to encourage Rotarians in eight coastal states — from Delaware to Florida — as well as Washington D.C. and 24 Caribbean nations to use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to create an effective response to their local food insecurity issues.

Matthews’ challenge was to Rotarians in eight coastal states — from Delaware to Florida — as well as Washington D.C. and 24 Caribbean nations.

With 98 percent of the students being on the free or reduced lunch program, school officials said they are grateful for the food donation.

“When our school is closed, I worry that my children are not eating [a balanced meal],” said Sheila Bethel, the school’s Community Resource representative.

All of the donated food will be given to the students and their families, she added.

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