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What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Bed Sores?

Bed sores are a health issue that plagues millions of Americans each year. Vulnerable populations such as the elderly and the immobile are most prone to getting bed sores. These are uncomfortable and painful injuries. If left untreated, they can become infected and even turned deadly, so they need to be taken seriously.

One of the main signs of nursing home neglect can be bed sores. If you have a loved one left in the care of someone else, you’ll want to make sure they’re checked regularly for any issues. Proper prevention and paying attention are keys to potentially saving your loved one’s life.

Common Causes of a Common Problem

Bed sores are ulcers that form when there’s pressure against the skin that restricts blood flow. Although these can happen to just about anyone, they commonly form on those who stay immobile for long periods of time.

It’s important that those who are bedridden are moved periodically to new positions. If they aren’t moved, bed sores can form on their back, buttocks, head, the bottoms of their feet, and their legs. These sores are painful, and if left untreated they can become infected. That’s why you should always know what to look for, from blistered skin to red pressure points.

Living Without Fear in the Future

Nobody wants to deal with the painful issue of bed sores. When you’re young, you’ll recover and they’re just a minor inconvenience. If you’re older, these can be painful to delicate and fragile skin. Anybody can get bed sores. That’s why it’s important to take preventative measures no matter who you are. Follow these tips to avoid them:

Doing all of those things along with checking on injured loved ones will help to stop bed sores from ever becoming an issue in the first place. If you have a loved one who can’t speak, it’s especially important to check for hidden injuries that they are unable to tell you about.

Getting Rid of Bed Sores

Once bed sores develop, they’re very difficult to heal. That’s why it’s important to seek relief and help right away. When finding bed sores, you should immediately remove pressure from the infected area and clean the infection. Depending on the severity, you may need additional treatment from a doctor. This could include antibiotics, therapy, and even skin grafts.

If you spot a bed sore before it becomes infected, it should heal on its own as long as you keep the pressure off of it. If you leave it untreated, you’ll eventually have to seek out medical help for a bigger problem.

Knowledge Is the Key to Prevention

The reason bed sores become such an issue is because most people aren’t very knowledgeable about them or how they should be treated. Most people think that since they’re young and mobile, they won’t get them. That’s not true. 

Many people, young and old alike, who test positive for COVID-19 are also dealing with bed sores as a secondary issue. That’s why the quickest way to get rid of bed sores is be knowledgeable, be prepared, and stop them before they start.

If you’re injured or on bed rest for a medical condition, be mindful of your body. If you’re in the same place for too long, ask to be moved to alleviate some pressure. When you see a bed sore starting to form, seek help. By knowing what to look for, you can help free yourself or others from pain.

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