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You’re Not Tired, You’re Uninspired

By: Alan Ataman

Alan Ataman, Founder of The Total Health Immersion Program

Excuses for me used to come naturally. I always found ways and reasons to not do something. I loved procrastinating. I knew those things had to get done at some point but just wasn’t ready to do them at that point in time, whatever time that was because tomorrow was coming and it seemed like a better time to do it. Why? Do you want the real reason why? The reason I know now that set me back from a lot of things?


I was uninspired. Working 50 hours a week. Going to school. Studying. Bills. Social Media. Trying to fit an image. All those things were things were things I let hold me back instead of using them as my reasons for doing them. I was looking at it all wrong.

I wasn’t inspired. I was just going, same thing day in and day out, I have no real reason for doing things, I just did them. I didn’t have a game plan for what I wanted. I was working to make other people happy, at my expense. With my health. With my time. Yes, I got paid for it but it wasn’t as fulfilling as what I’m doing now with the Total Health Immersion Program. Helping take people from where they are to where they want to be, physically and mentally.

So as we move forward with our fitness goals and diets in place, here are some other things we may tell ourselves that may hold us back from our success path and what they really mean…..

It’s easy to find an excuse. But completion is so much more fulfilling. I completed that set. I walked that mile. I lowered my cholesterol. I got my weight down. I beat depression. I made that friend. I overcame obesity. So while we are going about our days working, going from meeting to meeting, taking the kids to practice, grocery shopping for the family, and just constantly being on the go, think about you. Your health. Your goals. It’s not easy, you’re right but once you can overcome the reasons why you don’t want to, the opportunities are endless for you. We just need Inspiration!

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