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“What is Your Fuel?” – Total Health Immersion Program

So I’ve been on my “Total Health Immersion Program Motivation Playlist”on iTunes lately and I love it. Like a lot.


Ohhh it’s good. Reeaal good. The positive, fueling and inspirational words on so many different topics and thoughts we all have are just so well put together. The background sound and speed and voices draw you in and next thing you know you no longer just hear the voice as a voice, but now as yourself telling yourself these words as you’re your own speaker and igniting your own fire.

Trust me. It’s not some boring podcast or speaker just talking. It’s different. It’s healthy. It’s needed.

Like if it was Sylvester Stallone and I auditing for Rocky and I heard this playlist before going on, and he didn’t actually write the script, I’m pretty sure I would have won the role!

One of the tracks though that I felt had one of the best topics and outlooks was the one on “WHAT FUEL’S YOU”.

Things such as Money, Cars, and Clothes could have been proper answers here. But it went deeper than that. It was very awaking to hear, because the things said probably do fuel us but not sure we think about them in the manner of which they speak of.

**But 3 Things that Fuel us spoken of in the track were…**

Does it for you?

Does others doubt or rejection fuel you to press forward harder and stronger with more ambition and want to succeed more than before?

“You’re not going get up early and get it done before…..” — “You won’t be able to make it happen because…….” — “It’s just not believable to do because….” — “It just can’t be done”.

Ohhh the excitement. Ohhh the reward is going be that much better. Just because THEY don’t think it can be done doesn’t mean it can’t. It just means they don’t think THEY can do it. Not your problem. Let the Naysayers keep saying. You can’t put out fire with fire, which is awesome, because that’s not your objective, you want a bigger fire!



Not the extrinsic motivators, those will come, but the intrinsic motivators is what I strive for. The things people will talk about and remember me for when it’s all over.

What Is Your Why?…

Why do you do it? What are you grinding for? What have you set out to achieve? That is your why. Your purpose should fuel you. Your reason should fuel you. What is your fuel?

You know your why, you know your situation, you know what you want, you know how to achieve it, and that is all the fuel you need if you want it.


Growth is awesome. Stimulation is awesome. Learning is awesome. I want all that, and with achievement of those things, I become better. Better for myself and better for others. People who may be in search for what I’ve become better at.

I want to be called upon for help and questions. I want to be seeked for guidance and direction. I want others to come to me because they know there is no one better. For that, I need to be better; continuously.

If I can walk away better today than yesterday, and tomorrow than today, then that continuously is fueling.

With so much inside of us that we want to do and accomplish, why aren’t we setting out to do them? Why are so many of us waking up in the morning and right away are already thinking about when we will be going back to bed? We wake up, and want to go back to bed. Why?

Just like a car. No Fuel? No movement. So let’s load up our tanks with what fuels us and let’s achieve things. Let’s do things. See things. Create things. Accomplish things we may not see as being possible even though we haven’t even tried.

Not for the money, but for you. Use your fuel for you and let’s see how far it can take you. With a full tank of fuel, there’s no telling how far we will get!


As always, we’re here to help you get started! If you need advice or an extra nudge.

E-mail Alan at 


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“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they we’re laying bricks every hour”

By Alan Ataman

Total Health Immersion Program

Boca Raton, FL


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