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Set for Success

Alan Ataman, Founder of The Total Health Immersion Program

By: Alan Ataman

Just days into 2018 and our Weight Loss Resolution is now in full effect! Gym membership purchased, meal plans prepped, new gym clothes ready, and protein powder and the shaker are getting used daily. We’re already feeling lighter, and cleaner, and stronger and probably even a little more energized.

These are only some of the benefits we have the potential to reap if we can just stay driven and motivated and continue with our new workout plan and diets!

But that if sure is a big one.

In 2017, 92% of people who had Weight Loss/Exercise as their number one resolution failed at their goal.

What could be some of the reasons that those 92 percent failed?

It could be…

So how can we succeed?

We need to get into that 8 percent success rate. Whether for the intrinsic or the extrinsic factors, we want it and we deserve it. We’re not like the other 92 percent, and these next three tidbits are going help us stay on the road to success.

Find A Gym Buddy

A gym buddy is someone who you can feed off of, have fun together with. This person is the one who can help you, and most importantly, hold you accountable.

Accountability is essential for success. Whether it be from a friend or from a Personal Trainer, someone who cares about your progress and wants to see you succeed and will hold you accountable might be the number one way to help get you on the path for success.

This way not only would you be letting yourself down if you stopped, but you’d also be letting another person down and no one likes letting others down.

This person is someone you can have fun with together, learn with together, feed off of one another, and be able to talk with one another about how you feel while helping keep one another motivated through each’s progression.

Set “S.M.A.R.T” Goals

“Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-Bound.”

“I want to lose 15 pounds in 3 months” would be considered an S.M.A.R.T Goal. It states exactly what you want to do. You are going be able to measure your progress because you have a number in mind.

15 pounds in three months is definitely attainable. It’s relevant because it’s something you want in your life. And finally, you’ve given yourself a deadline to hit this goal by.

“I want to do a lot of pushups by tomorrow,” would not be considered an S.M.A.RT due to the vagueness of that goal.

Keep a Journal

Track your progress. Write down how you feel. What you liked in today’s class. How’s the meal plan going? Are you tired at certain points throughout the day? Writing down your accomplishments and setbacks help to reinforce your routine and provides an opportunity to analyze your progress.

A journal helps us learn about our progress and what may be and may not be working for us. Not every day will be the same, some harder than others, maybe even more stressful than others. But write it down. Get it out. And most importantly, be honest with yourself, you’re not competing with anyone other than the you of yesterday.

Keeping up with these three things will help keep you on the right track beautifully.

It’s not going be easy, but if it was then everyone would be doing it, which might be partially why 92 percent of people fail.

But what it will your weight loss resolution be?

It will be fulfilling. Your process is going to strengthen you, stimulate you, build you. You are going to do this all while learning about yourself, your boundaries, your drive, your reason, and your purpose.

The results are going come. Stay strong, and most importantly, smile.

You’re alive, you’re trying, and 2018 is going be awesome!

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they we’re laying bricks every hour”

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