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Essential Software To Ensure Your Online Business Is Secure At All Times

Running an online business is one of the most exciting things in the world. It offers you benefits you’ll never have access to when you work offline. In theory, you should suffer from less stress on a daily basis because there aren’t as many things to worry about.

Unfortunately, some people decide to build their online business on quicksand. They don’t focus on security enough even though everything could disappear in an instant. If you work online you need to increase your security, so here is some cool software to help you do it.

Keeping Backups Of Everything Safe

Every business uses cloud storage services these days, which is fine because they’re extremely useful. It’s just a bad idea to rely on them keeping your data safe 100 percent of the time. If you want to ensure data is never lost it’s better creating your own cloud storage space by syncing all of your devices together. For example, using Resilio to sync photos between your phone, tablet, and laptop will keep them all safe.

Turn To Virtual Private Networks

The only real reason you’ll need a virtual private network is because you use unsecured Wi-Fi. It won’t be a problem for the majority of people, but we all know how much those who work online enjoy spending their afternoons in coffee shops. It’s easy for someone to access your data if you don’t use a VPN, so you’ll need to start using one if you use public Wi-Fi when you’re out.

Use A Secure Password Manager

You don’t just have your website to think about. You’ve also got to protect every single one of your social media accounts. No doubt you’ll be using software like Slack and Dropbox too. The only way you’ll be able to use very secure passwords for each one without destroying your productivity is by using a password manager like LastPass. Nobody will be able to crack any of your passwords in the future.

Start Using Military-Grade Security

We talked about building your own cloud storage space, but when it comes to website backups you’ll need something with extra features. Software like Carbonite offers military-grade security meaning nobody will get access to your backups. If anything does go wrong with your website because of things like viruses and hackers, you’ll be able to get everything up and running again in minutes.

CyberArrow Compliance Automation Software simplifies the implementation of cyber security standards by automating as much as 90% of the work involved. Say goodbye to manual paperwork and time-consuming audits.

Limiting Access To Certain Things

Let’s say you’re working on a big video project with a few people, but you don’t want to let any secrets out. How could you guarantee nobody will have access to it unless you let them? In this case, you could use to sync video footage directly with a specific group of employees. Nobody else in the company will even know it exists until you’re ready to unveil it and corporate espionage can be avoided.

Don’t Assume You’re Always Safe

When you assume you’re safe you become comfortable, which eventually turns into laziness. That is when your business will be at its most vulnerable. Keep on top of security at all times, or you’ll wake up one morning and kick yourself. I’m sure you’ve got the basics covered already, but take onboard the things we’ve talked about today.

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