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The Kids Don’t Want Anything

You might as well throw that credenza from your mom, and every piece of china and crystal you own or inherited in the trash. They’re even worthless online. Don’t be surprised if your kids don’t want one stick of furniture, either. 

The next generation has a completely different take on lifestyle. No fuss, no muss. Zero tolerance for elaborate preparations, even for company or family dinners. 

My parents were party animals, so Mom had service for 24. I thought that was a lot. But Joan River’s daughter Melissa told me in an interview that her famous late mother “never met a set if dishes she didn’t like.” 

Remember when brides would choose china and crystal patterns for wedding gifts? It was even a “Sex in the City” plotline when Charlotte York got engaged to “Trey.” 

Those days are long gone. I even gave my Lenox to a thrift store before we moved here 23 years ago. I knew I wouldn’t need them. I never did.  

Paper plates and plastic are the new normal now for informal entertaining. I’m not sure what they do for Thanksgiving. 

So, place settings the kids inherit will just end up in boxes in their basement or a storage unit. 

Your furniture is probably not their style, even if they have room for it. And it wouldn’t pay to schlep it back north in a UHaul, either.  

Ever wonder why there’s so many used furniture stores here? Your castoff furniture is consigned to consignment. 

When you downsize, plan to sell your place furnished. 

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