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Business sectors that continue to thrive in 2022

As soon as people could access the internet from their mobile phones and laptops became as light as magazines – the world changed. 

Devices as small as the palm of our hand had the power to buy, sell, communicate, create and more. Thanks to technology, some industries have seen incredible growth, and the trajectory shows that they are on track to keep growing and thriving through 2022 and beyond. 

The thriving business is just static websites with some light social media efforts thrown in through. They are streaming services, clothing companies, providers for slots, SaaS and even content creators. 

Even the healthcare industry is making unprecedented strides due to how they have implemented technology such as Back Office Healthcare Operations Software and pivoted from in-person to online care and support. 

So, which industries are thriving, and how? 

Home Entertainment 

With better devices, faster internet and more options than ever, the home entertainment industry has succeeded. Spotify, Netflix, Disney+, and HBO Max, are just a few companies that saw huge influxes of customers in the last few years. 

But it’s not just watching movies and series that have had a significant bump. It was estimated that more than 55% of people found games that they enjoyed playing and purchased the console, the game, expansions, and more. 

Mobile gaming, as an example, has overtaken traditional console gaming in terms of popularity. Casinos have been one of the leading industries that have adopted new technology quickly, integrated it into their offerings, and seamlessly delivered it to customers. 

In 2020 Nielsen released a growth chart that has games and computing software sitting at a 193.5% growth. In comparison, audiovisual, which was second, had a growth of 46.1%. 

It’s not just the games themselves that have become popular – a significant increase was seen in the software to create games.  

Aside from the technology, there was a significant rise in the number of hobby products that people purchased, like board games, sewing kits, painting, craftings kids, resin and more. 


Now more than ever, people want to take control of their healthcare, expecting more than just prescription medications. There is access to wellness coaches, online therapists, doctors, online prescription ordering, and more. Healthcare facilities may require the expertise of a medical director to handle and manage the different aspects of the business more efficiently.

The healthcare industry has seen both sizable innovations and investments. This combination means they are better able to cater to the changing needs of the global population. 

Changes in the speed of communication, access to patients, and access to their own records have all been positive. 

The healthcare industry is also experiencing some positive disruption with more providers investing in AI, digital health and machine learning to better serve their patients. Many pharmacies are also using DocStation to streamline their clinical and dispensing workflows, visit to learn more.

With a global investment totalling some $44 billion, the healthcare industry is exciting, and growth is happening and expected in the next three years. 

Telehealth and telemedicine mobile applications are on the rise, and patients are opting for this more often than trying to get an in-person appointment. With a global network of qualified medical professionals, people can get the help and advice they need within the same hour. 

Social commerce

The evolution of e-commerce has given us social commerce. Where once Instagram was to share a picture of the ‘now’, it is a hub of possibility – and it is not the only one. While social commerce has been around since 2015, it is now more prevalent and easier to implement especially with tools like the Flyp Poshmark bot

All sizes of businesses can benefit from its use, and the uptake has been considerable. 

Social commerce uses Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media as a point of sale. Uploading images and tagging products with prices and links to take people to the item. Accessing over 55% of the global population use social media, and 66.6% of the global population purchase items using their mobile phone. 

With the technology and integration options increasing all the time for websites, social media and payment portals, it is a fast-growing industry and one that will likely see even more advancements through 2022 and beyond. 


Software as a service, or SaaS, more commonly written, has seen some amazing growth. The rise of remote workers has meant a bigger requirement for software that makes remote work easier and more efficient. 

It’s not just remote workers that benefit from software implementation; there has been uptake across many industries. Here are two of the types of software that both individuals and companies are benefiting from:

VPN & antivirus software: with a shift to more remote working, there has been an increase in cybercriminal activity and hacking. Protecting company information was a priority, so both VPN and antivirus software have increased. 

Communication software: Zoom and Teams have been some of the front runners, but as the communication became more refined, Slack, Google Hangout, and software that streamlined both customer services and internal comms became more popular. 

The technology that is driving these industries forward has been exciting, and we should expect to see that the further into 2022 we go, the biggest the impact and the more disruption we will see. 

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