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Should You Go to Medical School?

Whether you’ve dreamed of being a doctor since childhood or discovered an interest in health care in your 20s or 30s, you might wonder whether medical school is the right path for you. There are a number of factors to consider. After all, medical school is a huge commitment, and there are many other ways that you can work in the health care field without becoming a physician. However, there are also benefits to being a doctor that no other position can offer. Below are a few things to consider before you take this big step.

Likelihood of Acceptance

If you are passionate about becoming a physician, you absolutely should not talk yourself out of applying for medical school on the grounds that you think you don’t have the grades or the intellect to get accepted and succeed. However, it is important to understand that many people will apply and not get accepted, so you need to either be able to craft a standout application and demonstrate the strong skills that will get you in or take steps to rectify any weaknesses, such as a less than stellar grade point average. For example, you might be able to mitigate that GPA with a great MCAT score, terrific references, volunteer experience and a wonderful personal essay.


Medical school can be very costly, but just as is the case with any other degree, you can take out medical school loans, including student loans from a private lender. Interest rates are often favorable, and the high salaries available to many doctors can mean you are able to repay the loans relatively quickly. You may also be eligible for federal aid, scholarships and grants.


It is important to understand the rigor of medical school and residency and the effect it will all have on your personal life. This does not mean that you can’t become a doctor if you have already started a family, but it does mean that you should consider how much time it will take away from them and if you are willing to make this sacrifice. Many people have juggled these obligations, so it is not impossible, but it is important to understand what you are getting into and talk it over with your family. But if you’re not ready for the commitment that being a doctor requires, you could try training in medical assistant programs or getting professional Online medical assisting classes, becoming a medical assistant also offers a very stable career path.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be well-paid as a doctor, but if money is your primary motivation, there are easier ways to make more money. Having a passion for science, wanting to help people or having a specific area that you want to research and treat are all better reasons to become a physician. Sometimes there are scenarios where talent is not enough and you’ll need these kinds of motivations to drive you when things get tough.

Love of Learning

Being a good doctor means that you will be constantly learning new things throughout your career. There will be formal requirements as well, and to keep your license, you may need continuing medical education credits. There will also be changes in tools, diagnostic approaches and knowledge that will mean you’ll need to always be prepared to adapt and learn.

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