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Julie Bowen helps an injured hiker

Actress Julie Bowen helps a woman after she was injured. As reported by CBS Los Angeles, Minnie John, fainted and hit her head while hiking in Utah’s Arches National Park. 

Image courtesy of CBS Los Angeles

John had posted on social media that she wanted to hike to see the Delicate Arch with her husband and son. In a recent post, John stated that she told her family to go ahead while she rested by the trail with her head n her hands. 

Bowen and her sister Annie saw John fall forward on a rock, stating that John’s glasses broke her fall. Bowen and her sister helped John up, reassured her and called John’s son. Surrounding hikers ran ahead to find the son and inform him about John.

John then asked Bowen if she recognized the actress. “Her sister the doctor asked me to guess and I told her I just hit my head, I can’t remember. She said smiling ‘Modern Family’ and I said of course,” says John.

John says that she has a fractured nose and later received five stitches in the hospital. She also posted on social media and expressed her gratitude for Bowen’s help. 

“Daredevil or dumb as can be, I still consider this trek up the mountain as one of my proudest achievements in my life. Sometimes you need to take those chances in life to live to experience heights and depths,” says John.

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