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Eliminate Back Pain with a Footrest for Posture

Is that dull ache creeping in again? Back pain is caused by stress or tension placed on the spine or muscles of the back. You want to know how to alleviate that pain, and we can help. “Although doctors of chiropractic treat more than just back pain, many patients initially visit a chiropractor looking for relief from this pervasive condition. Associate chiropractor staffing made easy with Chiro Match Makers staffing agency for chiros. Discover effective solutions with Dr. Alli Lee, one of Brisbane’s leading chiropractors. Also, about 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time.” You may as well eliminate back pain through the holistic approach of Osteo Sandeep, focusing on restoring balance and functionality to your body.


Incorrect posture is one of the many causes of back pain. Having a correct posture keeps your joints and bones properly aligned. The more you slouch, the more your joints are going to wear down over a period of time. Correcting your bad posture helps your muscles support your weight more evenly, thus bringing you less pain. Obtaining a footrest for posture may help you eliminate back pain almost completely. Having a footrest that is elevated to fix your posture will help increase blood circulation throughout the body. 

An exercise that anyone can do to fix posture is provided in a smaller article: “Upper-body stretch. Stand facing a corner with your arms raised, hands flat against the walls, elbows at shoulder height. Place one foot ahead of the other. Bending your forward knee, exhale as you lean your body toward the corner. Keep your back straight and your chest and head up. You should feel a nice stretch across your chest. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Relax.” It’s that simple to do, can you believe it? 


Sleeping wrong can cause a lot of strain on your spine and other body parts, depending on what position you sleep in. It is recommended that if you experience back pain, you should sleep with a pillow in between your knees for extra support. If you prefer to sleep on your back, try to position the pillow under the back of the knee. Sleeping in a position that leaves you uncomfortable is more than likely putting strain on your muscles. If you sleep on your stomach it is possible to experience more back pain on a regular basis.

 Rachel Salas MD “For young, healthy people, sleep position is less important, Salas says. “But as you get older and have more medical issues, sleep position can become positive or negative.”” “When it comes to alleviating pain, sleeping on your back is a mixed bag, Salas says. For people with neck pain, sleeping face up can sometimes make the pain worse. But many people find back sleep is helpful for alleviating low-back pain. If you have soreness in your spine, experiment with different positions and pillows to find what works for you.” For some people with neck pain, Sanderstead Osteopaths offers the best and effective neck pain treatment Croydon and provides relief from chronic neck pain and stiffness.

Menstrual Pain

It’s that time of the month again, Aunt Flow has been so gracious to bless you with an unannounced visit, a week early. You have noticed it before but probably categorized it away as a symptom. Menstruation can indeed cause lower back pain. Be sure to talk to an OBGYN if you are having pain due to menstruation. It could be related to a more serious underlying condition, such as endometriosis. A probable cause for back pain during your period could be something that is known as secondary dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is a pain that is related to your period caused by another reproductive condition. That lower back pain is not something to be ignored. 

Menstruation can also decrease the vagina’s acidity, as it also leads to vaginal odor. A balanced vagina is a badass, self-cleaning organ. Sadly, once it’s off-balance, it often does not return to its natural state on its own. Fortunately, you can use this FlowerPower like the ones at, which is a vegan vaginal suppository specially designed to help naturally restore your vagina’s self-cleansing powers.

 Some women benefit from starting over the counter acetaminophen or anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, a couple days prior to menstruation. Exercise regularly. Studies show that women who exercise on a regular basis have less painful menstrual cramps and low back pain. Maintain a healthy diet and take nutritional supplements with vitamin B and magnesium. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Apply heat or take warm baths. Avoid caffeine and chocolate. Avoid alcohol intake and smoking. Some women may require birth control pills to help with menstrual pain. If your low back pain lingers past the menstrual cycle or you develop leg pain or weakness, you should seek medical attention, as this may be more than the typical low back pain stemming from prostaglandin release during menstruation.”


Spinal Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the back or neck. There are many things it could be related to like: infection, wear and tear, an autoimmune disorder or some other conditions. The most common arthritis that affects the spine is osteoarthritis. The top two symptoms of spinal arthritis are stiffness and pain.

Muscle Inflammation

When you sprain or strain your tissues and muscles, the lower back will become swollen and inflamed. When you pull a muscle in your back, the best things to do are: take an over-the-counter pain medicine and use either ice or heat (you can use one after the other.) To prevent muscle inflammation, you should correct your posture as much as possible and stay moving. Staying active helps to loosen and expand the muscle a bit more. “Inflammation, or local swelling, is part of the body’s natural response to injury, in which blood is rushed to an injured tissue in order to restore it. Inflamed muscles may spasm, feel tender to the touch, or cramp, and contract tightly, causing intense pain.” You can consult experts like LaserLab – regenerative medicine for other alternative therapies.

Injured Back

Back injury is the top reason for back pain. When injured if a muscle or ligaments is torn or pulled it can cause acute to severe pain. Depending on what kind of injury you have sustained, your pain could stay around; be it lifting a heavy object, doing housework or being in a car crash. “Compared to many other kinds of back injuries, a pulled muscle is usually straightforward to diagnose and easy to treat in a Back Pain Management Facility, and symptoms usually resolve within 4 to 6 weeks. Some severe muscle injuries, such as a complete muscle tear, can take months to heal.”


Dehydration can also play a major role in why your back is hurting so bad. Believe it or not, staying hydrated can help. According to Dr. Hoder “When you’re dehydrated, water is taken from the spinal discs that are located between every other vertebra, causing your back to ache. When these discs aren’t properly hydrated, the spine ends up taking on the full shock of the body’s movements, which results in pain.” 

Hoder also explains: “When you’re dehydrated, water is taken from the spinal discs that are located between every other vertebra, causing your back to ache. When these discs aren’t properly hydrated, the spine ends up taking on the full shock of the body’s movements, which results in pain.” 

There are some amazing products out there to help you stay hydrated. Water jugs are one of them. You can get these water jugs in a half-gallon and a full gallon to make sure you keep your water intake up throughout the day. There are sports drinks with electrolytes and nutrients that 

can help you stay up and going. Hydration is very vital, your body depends on water to live. So, drink up and enjoy an easy solution.

Regardless of your back pain is caused by: sleeping position, muscle inflammation, injury (minor or major,) dehydration, stress, or even menstrual cramps; This article may be able to assist you or someone you know that is suffering from general back pain. You are not alone, thankfully with products like the footrest for posture and the water jugs for rehydration, you should be able to find the right fit for you. 

References/Citations: “Tips To Reduce Lower Back Pain During Menstruation,” Virginia Spine 

Institute, 07-May-2020. [Online]. Available:

D. Hoder, “Is Your Back Pain Caused By Dehydration?,” Chiropractor Plantation – Markson Chiropractic, 16-Oct-2018. [Online]. Available:

Jensen M, Brant-Zawadzki M, Obuchowski N, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar Spine in People Without Back Pain. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: 69-116

M. D. Kojo Hamilton, “Pulled Back Muscle and Lower Back Strain,” Spine. [Online]. Available:

“Choosing the Best Sleep Position,” Johns Hopkins Medicine. [Online]. Available:

“4 ways to turn good posture into less back pain,” Harvard Health, 18-Apr-2020. [Online]. Available:

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