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USA- The 2021 Economy

Once the new administration in the U.S. is defined and the entry of an accelerated vaccination process, we can already do some analysis regarding this year’s economic prospects, stripped of economies and a simplicity that helps us understand, even if to disagree, on topics.

American economy in large numbers:

This will be an important point in the analysis of the execution capacity of the electoral platform of the next president. At the moment we have a federal’s  gauge of more than  $27 trillion, of which more than $7 trillion is in the hands of foreign countries (China being the main). In addition, we have some numbers to consider:

Some Challenges to be faced

Localized challenges:

New York and California, which is already the heaviest taxes in the country and still has chronic deficits in its accounts, will have to stem the exodus of its residents, which would lower its revenue and create other ways of attracting new residents

The good news.

We will have an explosion of growth due to extreme liquidity of the market and individuals due to the aid of more than $7 trillion, injected into the market because of the pandemic.

Vaccination should force the reopening of businesses, and businesses ending with any reason to keep economies closed.

The world as a whole should reopen and with at least one excellent second semester.

The deregulations that have given a great deal of freedom to new private sector initiatives that will continue to be the country’s locomotive.

The regularization of immigrants will make the resources that were obtained and mostly sent to their countries of origin stay in the USA and are invested in their own homes, vehicles and other consumer goods.

In the medium term, social security will receive a breath of new resources from regularized immigrants.

With the control of the two legislative houses, the new president will be able to make any and all changes he wants in the rules of the game, including the quantitative composition of the Supreme Court, which will give greater speed in the implementation of his plans.

Surely, even while wondering is the motley fool worth it – we will have an auspicious year in economic terms and a stock exchange with extreme appreciation

Carlo Barbieri

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