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Find the Best Place for Your Tree Swing!

Tree swings are classic for a reason. A tree swing in the right place can make your house feel more like home. They add comfort and casual elegance to any yard, along with a bit of rustic charm.

One of the often-overlooked factors for a tree swing is placement. You want your swing to be just the right spot to create the perfect feeling.

You will need to find the right place to put the swing to enjoy it. You might want a spot that catches the afternoon sun, or you may be happier with a shady spot for warm afternoons. Maybe you want your swing to be in different places at different times of the year.

The best way to find the perfect home for your swing is by trying it out in a few different locations. Unfortunately, this isn’t great for your trees.

Rope Damages Trees

The easiest and oldest way to hang a tree swing is to loop a rope over a branch, drop it to your swing and tie a knot.

If you are using this technique to try different locations for your tree swing, the good news is that the rope is quick and easy to put up and to change. A well-tied knot holds as long as you need it to and can untie in seconds. 

The downside to this fast and easy technique is that it can damage your trees, even if the rope is only up for a short while. The friction of looping a narrow rope over the branch and the added strain of swinging human body weight can strip the bark off almost immediately. 

Suppose you are looking to try your tree swing in several locations. In that case, you could end up with several scarred and damaged branches fairly quickly. Putting up a tree swing is supposed to be about improving your property, not damaging it. 

Other methods of hanging your swing, such as drilling anchor bolts into the branch, can cause even more permanent damage. If you aren’t 100% certain of your location, you want to avoid techniques like this. 

SwingTies Won’t Damage Your Trees

While most methods of hanging a swing can cause permanent damage to your trees, there are alternatives. According to, somebody can hang their swing straps from any branch without causing damage.

SwingTies are wide enough to not cut into your branches, so if you decide to move your swing six inches, six feet, to another location, you won’t leave a trail of destruction in your wake. Make sure to get tree cutting service Lenexa before hanging a swing. Regular tree pruning and tree trimming is one of best ways in keeping the trees healthy. And if there are obstructions around your swing area, like trees or shrubs, you can consider Rich’s Tree Service to help you remove them. Also make sure to contact a tree removal service for professional help.

SwingTies are also extremely easy to mount. All you have to do is loop the strap over the branch and pull the small metal ring through the larger one. 

With such an easy mounting system, you can adjust your tree swing to the perfect spot with minimal effort. You can try your swing in as many places as you like, and a SwingTie will let you put your swing right where you want it.

To summarize, finding the best spot for your tree swing is key to your optimal enjoyment. A Swing Tie can help you find the perfect place to mount your tree swing. Try a SwingTie today!

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