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What is Better: Bow Ties or Ties?

Bow ties versus neck ties. How do we know which one is better? I guess it all depends on every individual. Then there’s those that have never worn either one, well besides business and perhaps their wedding day. So what does the majority of people prefer, bow ties or neck ties? Neck ties tend to be worn a lot more. So most of the time we see people with neck ties. Occasionally we’ll see maybe a bank teller at the bank with a bow tie on but besides that, we don’t see them very often. So what’s better, bow ties or neck ties?

First off, which one is considered  more formal, a bow tie or a necktie? Well bowties generally tend to have a higher level of formality, since they are a lot less seen. Neckties tend to be seen as less formal because you see them everywhere. Everywhere you go, you are likely to see at ;east one person wearing a necktie. Also bowties are usually seen during more special events, like a wedding, a business meeting or any black tie event. Arrive elegantly with wedding limousines in Melbourne on your wedding day. You may ask your photographer which is better for a Queenstown Pre-Wedding Shoot.

Since most of the time, we see people wearing neckties. Bowties help you stand out in a crowd more. You might go into a room one day and see nothing but people in neckties. That would never happen the other way around, you’ll hardly ever see a room full of bowtie wearing people. Thus people in bow ties tend to stand out more.

So how do you know when to wear a necktie over a bowtie and vice versa. There really are only a few situations where you’ll need to choose between a necktie and a bowtie. These are pretty specific situations, like weddings, black tie events or work and business meetings. Other than that you’ll have to intellectually decide between the two based on your knowledge of the atmosphere of the event. For example, if you know the atmosphere will be more laid back, a necktie would be fine. While they’re less commonly worn to casual events, bow ties can be just as casual as neckties. Whatever makes you feel comfortable will work, but if you plan on being in a wedding make sure to check all of your options since there are plenty of wedding ties and bowties available that look great with any attire.

If you’re going to an event and you know you will be wearing a tux, most likely the event is pretty formal so you’ll want to go with a bowtie. If you are wearing a suit, bowties are the less common choice, so you’ll want to go with a necktie. Unless you plan or want to stand out, go with a bow tie. The final choice is entirely up to you.

So as was pointed out, you really need to look at your entire outfit and the event you’re headed to choose between a necktie or bow tie. If you’re still putting together your outfit, you still have time to make changes and decide between a bowtie or a necktie. Although neckwear is important, it won’t matter whether you wear a bow tie or necktie if your suit looks like trash. So make sure you take the time to put your outfit together.

So what is better between a bowtie and a necktie? I guess it all depends on the type of event you will be attending, what you are wearing and what you yourself feel like wearing. Basically the final decision comes down to you. Just make sure to take what we discussed here into consideration. Don’t forget though, If your suit or outfit is trash, it won’t matter whether you wear a bowtie or a necktie!!!

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